Bu makalede İsimler, fiiller, sıfatlar ve zarflar olan konuşmanın sekiz ana bölümünden dördünü ve bu kelime formlarını nasıl birbirine çevireceğinizi okuyacaksınız.
Yani isimden fiile, fiilden sıfata kelime form değişimi vb.
- quick -> quickly
- red -> reddish
- visit -> visitor
Konuşmanın bölümlerini anlamak, kelimeleri bir cümlede doğru kullanmayı ve daha iyi bir yazar olmayı öğretecektir.
Kelime türleri
İsim bir kişi, yer ve bir şeydir
- Bir kişinin bazı örnekleri: sister, friend, Alex, Stephanie, you, me, dog
- Yer örnekleri: house, beach, New York, playground, the store
- Nesneler: chair, pencil, thoughts, memories, and knowledge.
Fiiller eylem sözcükleridir! İsimlerin yaptığı şeyleri anlatmak için kullanılırlar!
- Bir fiil örneği “koşmak” olacaktır. Koşmak, yürüme hızından daha hızlı hareket eden birini veya bir şeyi tanımlamak için kullanılan bir kelimedir.
- Diğer fiil örnekleri şunları içerir: sing, watch, play, sleep, study, walk, and think.
Sıfatlar sözcükleri niteler. İsimleri anlatmak için kullanılırlar.
- Bir sıfat örneği “güzel” olacaktır. Güzel, birini veya bir şeyi tanımlayan bir kelimedir.
- Örneğin, gökyüzü güzeldir. Gökyüzü bir isim olduğu ve onu tanımlamak için güzel kullanıldığı için, bu güzeli bir sıfat yapar.
- Sıfatların diğer örnekleri şunlardır: blue, dark, warm, happy, good, and fast.
Zarflar fiilleri tanımlayan kelimelerdir.
Örneğin, hızlı bir zarftır çünkü hızlı yürüdüğünüzü söylerseniz, yürümek fiildir ve hızlı, nasıl yürüdüğünüzü anlatır. Bu nedenle, hızlı bir zarftır.
Zarfları belirlemenin kolay bir yolu, sonlarına bakmaktır, çünkü bunlar genellikle ly harfleriyle biter, örneğin quickly.
- Diğer zarf örnekleri şunları içerir: nicely, proudly, slowly, and firmly.
Bazı kelimeler isim, fiil, sıfat veya zarf olarak kullanılabilir. Yine de genellikle, onları nasıl kullanmak istediğinize bağlı olarak kelimelerin sonlarını değiştirmeniz gerekir. Aşağıdaki tabloda, konuşmanın farklı bölümleri olarak değiştirebileceğiniz bazı sözcük örnekleri bulunmaktadır.
Dilbilgisel Kelime Form Değiştirme, Türetme
verb to noun: | preserve → preservation |
verb to adjective: | bore → boring |
noun to verb: | code → codify |
noun to adjective: | nature → natural |
adjective to noun: | ugly → ugliness |
adjective to verb: | sweet → sweeten |
adjective to adverb: | quick → quickly |
Örnek 1
- It is obvious that he hides something from us. (Obvious – sıfat)
- He obviously hides something from us. (Obviously – zarf)
Örnek 2
- The man was shot in the head and died in an instant. (Instant – isim)
- The man was shot in the head and died instantly. (Instantly – zarf)
Örnek 3
- She was seemingly (Seemingly – zarf)
- She seemed to be convinced. (Seemed – fiil)
Örnek 4
- The farmer was apparently a fool. (Apparently – zarf)
- The farmer appeared to be a fool. (Appeared – fiil)
Örnek 5
- She microwaved (fiil) her lunch.
- She heated her lunch in the microwave (isim).
Örnek 6
- My grandmother bottled (verb) the juice and canned (verb) the pickles.
- My grandmother put the juice in a bottle (noun) and the pickles in a can (noun).
Örnek 7
- He succeeded in his attempt. (Succeeded – verb)
- He attempt was met with success. (Success – noun)
- His attempt was successful. (Successful – adjective)
Örnek 8
- Respect your parents and teachers.
- Be respectful to your parents and teachers. (Respectful – adjective)
- Show respect to your parents and teachers. (Respect – noun)
Örnek 9
- She works diligently. (Diligently – adverb)
- She works with diligence. (Diligence – noun)
Bazen aklımız şurada karışabilir.
– ing ile biten sıfatlar ve -ed ile biten sıfatlar
- –ing sıfatları – etkiyi tarif ederler
- – ed sıfatları – insanın nasıl hissettiğini tarif ederler
- His speech bored the audience. So they started clapping before it ended.
- His speech was very boring
- I am very much interestedi n his speech.
- His speech is very
- We were shocked to hear the news.
- It was very shocking news
İsim, fiil sıfat zarf kelime form değiştirme örnekleri
Verb -> adjective
Verb | Türkçesi | Adjective | Türkçesi | |
1 | absorb | emmek | absorbed | absorbe edilmiş |
2 | bereave | yas tutmak | bereaved | yaslı |
3 | captivated | büyülenmiş | captivating | büyüleyici |
4 | care | bakım | careless | bakımsız |
5 | fascinate | cezbetmek | fascinated | büyülenmiş |
6 | grieve | üzülmek | grievous | ağır |
7 | enjoy | Eğlence | enjoyable | eğlenceli |
8 | help | yardım | helpful | yardımsever |
9 | tickle | gıdıklamak | ticklish | gıdıklayıcı |
10 | tire | yorulmak | tireless | yorulmak bilmez |
11 | judge | yargıç | judgemental | yargılayıcı |
12 | forget | unutmak | forgetful | unutkan |
13 | shake | sallamak | shakeable | sallanabilir |
14 | read | Okumak | readable | okunabilir |
15 | talk | konuşmak | talkative | konuşkan |
16 | use | kullanmak | useful | kullanışlı |
17 | like | beğenmek | likable | sevimli |
18 | manipulate | manipule etmek | manipulative | manipülatif |
19 | thank | teşekkür etmek | thankful | müteşekkir |
20 | hate | nefret | hateful | nefret dolu |
21 | laugh | gülmek | laughable | gülünç |
22 | adjust | ayarlamak | adjustable | ayarlanabilir |
23 | annoy | kızdırmak | annoying | sinir bozucu |
24 | differ | farklılık | different | farklı |
25 | see | Görmek | scenic | manzaralı |
26 | speed | hız | speedy | hızlı |
Noun -> adjective
Noun | Türkçesi | Adjective | Türkçesi | |
1 | distress | sıkıntı | distressed | sıkıntılı |
2 | spite | inat | spiteful | kindar |
3 | provision | karşılık | provisional | geçici |
4 | hazard | tehlike | hazardous | tehlikeli |
5 | truth | gerçek | truthful | dürüst |
6 | effort | çaba | effortless | zahmetsiz |
7 | man | Adam | manly | erkekçe |
8 | courage | cesaret | courageous | cesur |
9 | storm | fırtına | stormy | fırtınalı |
10 | envy | imrenmek | envious | kıskanç |
11 | advise | öğüt vermek | advisory | danışma |
12 | girl | kız | girlish | kız gibi |
13 | gold | altın | golden | altın |
14 | hero | kahraman | heroic | kahramanca |
15 | wind | rüzgâr | windy | rüzgarlı |
16 | child | çocuk | childish | çocukça |
17 | beauty | güzellik | beautiful | Güzel |
18 | efficiency | yeterlik | efficient | verimli |
19 | effusion | efüzyon | effusive | taşkın |
20 | human | insan | humanly | insanca |
21 | sense | algı | senseless | anlamsız |
22 | laugh | gülmek | laughable | gülünç |
23 | king | kral | kingly | kralca |
24 | access | erişim | accessible | erişilebilir |
25 | danger | tehlike | dangerous | tehlikeli |
26 | length | uzunluk | lengthy | uzun |
27 | vision | görüş | visionary | vizyoner |
28 | inability | yeteneksizlik | unable | aciz |
29 | testimony | tanıklık | testimonial | tanıklık |
30 | difficulty | zorluk | difficult | zor |
31 | tribe | kabile | tribal | aşiret |
32 | hostility | düşmanlık | hostile | düşmanca |
33 | subordination | itaat | subordinate | ast |
34 | attitude | davranış | attitudinal | tutumsal |
35 | truism | gerçekçilik | truistic | gerçekçi |
36 | recreation | yeniden yaratma | recreational | eğlence |
37 | imagery | görüntü | imaginative | yaratıcı |
38 | tragedy | trajedi | tragic | trajik |
39 | creation | yaratma | creative | yaratıcı |
noun -> adjectives ve adverbs
NOUN | Türkçesi | ADJECTIVE | Türkçesi | ADVERB | Türkçesi | |
1 | emotion | duygu | emotional, emotive | duygusal, duygusal | emotionally | duygusal olarak |
2 | generosity | cömertlik | generous | cömert | generously | Cömertçe |
3 | gentleness | nezaket | gentle | nazik | gently | nazikçe |
4 | glass, glasses | cam, gözlük | glassy | camsı | ||
5 | good, goodies, goodness, goods | iyi, güzellikler, iyilik, mallar | good | iyi | ||
6 | gratitude, ingratitude | şükran, nankörlük | grateful, ungrateful | minnettar, nankör | gratefully | minnetle |
7 | greatness | büyüklük | great | Harika | greatly | büyük ölçüde |
8 | green, greenery, greens | yeşil, yeşillik, yeşillikler | green | yeşil | ||
9 | guilt, guiltiness | suçluluk, suçluluk | guilty | suçlu | guiltily | suçluluk duygusuyla |
10 | habit | alışkanlık | habitual | alışılmış | habitually | alışkanlıkla |
11 | hair, hairiness | saç, tüylülük | hairless, hairy | kılsız, kıllı | ||
12 | happiness, unhappiness | mutluluk, mutsuzluk | happy, unhappy | mutlu mutsuz | happily, unhappily | mutlu, mutsuz |
13 | health | sağlık | healthy, unhealthy | sağlıklı sağlıksız | healthily, unhealthily | sağlıklı, sağlıksız |
14 | heart | kalp | heartened, heartening, heartless, hearty | yürekli, yüreklendirici, kalpsiz, içten | heartily, heartlessly | kalpten, kalpsizce |
15 | height | yükseklik | high | yüksek | high, highly | yüksek, son derece |
16 | historian, history | tarihçi, tarih | historic, prehistoric, historical | tarihi, tarih öncesi, tarihsel | historically | tarihsel olarak |
17 | honesty, dishonesty | dürüstlük, sahtekârlık | honest, dishonest | dürüst Dürüst değil | honestly, dishonestly | dürüstçe, dürüst olmayan bir şekilde |
18 | hunger | açlık | hungry | aç | hungrily | iştahla |
19 | importance | önem | important, unimportant | önemli, önemsiz | importantly | daha da önemlisi |
20 | credibility, incredulity | inandırıcılık, inanmazlık | incredible, credible, incredulous | inanılmaz, inandırıcı, inanılmaz | incredibly, incredulously | inanılmaz derecede, inanamayarak |
21 | independence, independent | bağımsızlık, bağımsız | independent | bağımsız | independently | bağımsız |
22 | industrialist, industrialization, industry | sanayici, sanayileşme, endüstri | industrial, industrialized, industrious | endüstriyel, sanayileşmiş, çalışkan | industrially, industriously | endüstriyel olarak, çalışkan bir şekilde |
23 | innocence | masumiyet | innocent | masum | innocently | masumca |
24 | instance, instant | örnek, anlık | instant, instantaneous | anlık, anlık | instantly, instantaneously | anında, anında |
25 | intelligence | istihbarat | intelligent, unintelligent | zeki, akılsız | intelligently | akıllıca |
26 | journal, journalism, journalist | dergi, gazetecilik, gazeteci | journalistic | gazetecilik | ||
27 | juice, juices | meyve suyu, meyve suları | juicy | sulu | ||
28 | keenness | keskinlik | keen | hevesli | keenly | şiddetle |
29 | kindness, unkindness | nezaket, nezaketsizlik | kind, unkind | kibar kaba | kindly, unkindly | nazik, nezaketsiz |
30 | life | hayat | lifeless, lifelike, lifelong | cansız, cansız, ömür boyu | lifelessly | cansız |
31 | likelihood | olasılık | likely, unlikely | muhtemel, ihtimal dışı | likely | büyük ihtimalle |
32 | literature, literacy | edebiyat, okuryazarlık | literary, literate, illiterate | edebiyatçı, okuryazar, okuma yazma bilmeyen | ||
33 | luck | şans | lucky, unlucky | şanslı, şanssız | luckily, unluckily | şans eseri, şanssız |
34 | machine, machinery, mechanic mechanics, mechanism, machinist | makine, makine, mekanik mekanik, mekanizma, makinist | mechanical, mechanized | mekanik, mekanize | mechanically | mekanik olarak |
35 | magic, magician | büyü, büyücü | magic, magical | büyü, büyülü | magically | sihirli bir şekilde |
36 | man, manhood, mankind, man manliness, mannishness | erkeklik, erkeklik, insanlık, erkeklik, erkeklik | manly, manned, unmanned mannish | erkeksi, insanlı, insansız erkeksi | mannishly, manfully | erkekçe, erkekçe |
37 | medical, medication, medicine | tıp, ilaç, tıp | medical, medicated, medicinal | tıbbi, ilaçlı, tıbbi | medically, medicinally | tıbbi olarak, tıbbi olarak |
38 | mentality | zihniyet | mental | zihinsel | mentally | zihinsel olarak |
39 | method, methodology | yöntem, metodoloji | methodical, methodological | metodik, metodolojik | methodically | metodik olarak |
40 | militancy, militant, the military, militia, militarist, militarism | militanlık, militan, ordu, milis, militarist, militarizm | military, militant, militaristic militarized, demilitarized | askeri, militan, militarist militarize, askerden arındırılmış | militantly, militarily | militanca, askeri olarak |
41 | moment | an | momentary, momentous | anlık, önemli | momentarily | anlık olarak |
42 | mood, moodiness | ruh hali, karamsarlık | moody | kaprisli | moodily | huysuzca |
43 | music, musical, musician musicianship, musicality, musicologist, musicology | müzik, müzikal, müzisyen müzisyenliği, müzikalite, müzikolog, müzikoloji | musical, unmusical | müzikal, müzikal olmayan | musically | müzikal olarak |
44 | nerve, nerves, nervousness | sinir, sinirler, sinirlilik | nervous, nervy, nerveless, unnerving | gergin, gergin, sinirsiz, sinir bozucu | nervously, nervelessly, unnervingly | gergin bir şekilde, sinirsizce, sinir bozucu bir şekilde |
45 | night, midnight | gece, gece yarısı | overnight, nightly, nights | gece, gece, geceler | ||
46 | noise, noisiness | gürültü, gürültü | noisy, noiseless | gürültülü, gürültüsüz | noisily | gürültüyle |
47 | north, northerner | kuzey, daha kuzey | north, northerly, northern northward(s), northbound | kuzey, kuzeyden, kuzey kuzeye doğru(lar), kuzeye doğru | north, northbound northward(s), | kuzey, kuzeye doğru kuzey(ler), |
48 | occasion | fırsat | occasional | ara sıra | occasionally | ara sıra |
49 | purpose, purposelessness | amaç, amaçsızlık | purposeful, purposeless | amaçlı, amaçsız | purposefully, purposely, purposelessly | bilerek, kasten, amaçsızca |
50 | race, racism, racist | ırk, ırkçılık, ırkçı | racial, multiracial, racist | ırksal, çok ırklı, ırkçı | racially | ırksal olarak |
51 | rarity | enderlik | rare rarefied | nadir seyreltilmiş | rarely | nadiren |
52 | religion | din | religious, irreligious | dindar, dinsiz | religiously | dini olarak |
53 | reputation, disrepute | itibar, itibarsızlık | reputable, disreputable, reputed | itibarlı, itibarsız, itibarlı | reputedly, reputably | söylendiğine göre, itibarlı bir şekilde |
54 | responsibility, irresponsibility | sorumluluk, sorumsuzluk | responsible, irresponsible | sorumlu, sorumsuz | responsibly, irresponsibly | sorumlu bir şekilde, sorumsuzca |
55 | royal, royalist, royalty | kralcı, kralcı, krallık | royal, royalist | kralcı, kralcı | royally | asil bir şekilde |
56 | rudeness | edepsizlik | rude | kaba | rudely | terbiyesizce |
57 | safe, safety | güvenli, güvenlik | safe, unsafe | güvenli, güvensiz | safely | güvenli bir şekilde |
58 | science, scientist | bilim, bilim adamı | scientific, unscientific | bilimsel, bilimsel olmayan | scientifically | bilimsel olarak |
59 | search | aramak | searchable search | aranabilir arama | searchingly | araştırarak |
60 | seriousness | ciddiyet | serious | cidden | seriously | Cidden |
61 | sex, sexism, sexuality, sexist | seks, cinsiyetçilik, cinsellik, cinsiyetçi | sexist, sexual, bisexual, sexy, asexual | cinsiyetçi, cinsel, biseksüel, seksi, aseksüel | sexually, sexily | cinsel olarak, cinsel olarak |
62 | similarity | benzerlik | similar, dissimilar | benzer, farklı | similarly | benzer şekilde |
63 | skill | yetenek | skillful, skilled, unskilled deskilled | yetenekli, vasıflı, vasıfsız vasıfsız | skillfully | ustaca |
64 | slight | hafif | slight, slighted, slightest | hafif, hafif, hafif | slightly | biraz |
65 | south, southerner | güney, güneyli | south, southerly, southern southbound southernmost southward | güney, güneye, güney güneye, güneye, güneye doğru | south, southward(s), | güney, güneye doğru(lar), |
southbound | güneye doğru | |||||
66 | stranger, strangeness | yabancı, tuhaflık | strange, estranged | garip, yabancı | strangely | garip bir şekilde |
67 | stupidity | aptallık | stupid | aptal | stupidly | aptalca |
68 | suddenness | ani olma | sudden | birden | suddenly | Birden |
69 | summer, midsummer | yaz, yaz ortası | summery | yazlık | ||
70 | tear, tearfulness | gözyaşı, gözyaşı | tearful | ağlamaklı | tearfully | Tüylerüzüzmek |
71 | technicality, technician, technique | teknik, teknisyen, teknik | technical | teknik | technically | teknik olarak |
72 | technology, technologist | teknoloji, teknoloji uzmanı | technological | teknolojik | technologically | teknolojik olarak |
73 | thirst | susuzluk | thirsty | susuz | thirstily | susamış |
74 | thought, thoughtfulness, thoughtlessness | düşünce, düşüncelilik, düşüncesizlik | thoughtful, thoughtless | düşünceli, düşüncesiz | thoughtfully, thoughtlessly | düşünceli, düşüncesizce |
75 | tradition, traditionalist traditionalism | gelenek, gelenekçi gelenekçilik | traditional | geleneksel | traditionally | geleneksel olarak |
76 | truth, untruth, truthfulness | doğruluk, gerçek olmayan, doğruluk | true, untrue, truthful | doğru, doğru olmayan, gerçek | truly, truthfully, untruthfully | gerçekten, hakikaten, hakikaten |
77 | vegetable, vegetarian | sebze, vejeteryan | vegetarian | vejetaryen | ||
78 | violence | şiddet | violent, non-violent | şiddetli, şiddet içermeyen | violently | şiddetle |
79 | war, warfare, warrior | savaş, harp, savaşçı | pre-war, post-war, warring, warlike | savaş öncesi, savaş sonrası, savaşan, savaşçı | ||
80 | way, subway, midway | yol, metro, orta yol | wayward | dik başlı | midway | yarı yol |
81 | week, midweek | hafta, hafta ortası | weekly, midweek | haftalık, hafta ortası | weekly, midweek | haftalık, hafta ortası |
82 | whole, wholesomeness | bütünlük, sağlıklılık | whole, wholesome, unwholesome | bütün, sağlıklı, sağlıksız | wholly | tamamen |
83 | wild, wildness | vahşi, vahşilik | wild | vahşi | wildly | çılgınca |
84 | willingness, unwillingness | isteklilik, isteksizlik | willing, unwilling | istekli, isteksiz | willingly, unwillingly | isteyerek, istemeyerek |
85 | winter, midwinter | kış, kış ortası | wintry | buz gibi | ||
86 | wood | odun | wooded, wooden, woody | ağaçlık, ahşap, odunsu | woodenly | ahşap olarak |
87 | wool, woollens, woolliness wooly | yünlü, yünlü, yünlü yünlü | woollen/US woolen, woolly/US | yünlü/ABD yünlü, yünlü/ABD | ||
88 | world, underworld | dünya, yeraltı | world, worldly, unworldly, worldwide | dünyevi, dünyevi, dünya dışı, dünya çapında | worldwide | Dünya çapında |
89 | worth, worthlessness | değer, değersizlik | worth, worthless, worthwhile worthy, unworthy | değer, değersiz, değerli layık, değersiz | worthily | layıkıyla |
90 | year | yıl | yearly | yıllık | yearly | yıllık |
91 | young, youngster, youth | genç, genç, gençlik | young, youthful | genç, genç | youthfully | gençlikle |
verb -> noun -> adjectives -> adverbs
Sıra | VERB | Türkçesi | NOUN | ADJECTIVE | ADVERB |
1 | taste | tatmak | taste, distaste, taster distastefulness | tasteful, distasteful, tasteless, tasty | tastefully, distastefully tastelessly |
2 | Ability/inability | Yetenek/yetersizlik | ability, inability disability | able, unable disabled | |
3 | Absent | Mevcut olmayan | absenteeism | absent | |
4 | Academic | Akademik | academy | academic | |
5 | Accent | Aksan | accent | ||
6 | accept | kabul etmek | acceptance | acceptable, unacceptable | acceptably |
7 | access | erişim | access | accessible, inaccessible | |
8 | accommodate | Karşılamak | accommodation | ||
9 | Accurate/ inaccurate | doğru/yanlış | accuracy | accurate, inaccurate | accurately |
10 | accuse | suçlamak | accusation | accusing | accusingly |
11 | accustom | alıştırmak | custom | customary | customarily |
12 | achieve | başarmak | achievement, achiever | achievable | |
13 | act | davranmak | act, action, activity,activeness | active | actively |
14 | activate | etkinleştir | activity, inactivity | active, inactive, interactive, proactive | actively |
15 | Actual | Gerçek | actual | actually | |
16 | add | eklemek | addition | additional | additionally |
17 | Addiction | Bağımlılık | addiction | addictive, addicted | |
18 | adjust | ayarlamak | adjustment | adjustable | |
19 | admire | beğenmek | admiration admirer | admirable | admirably |
20 | Adolescent | ergen | adolescent | ||
21 | adopt | evlat edinmek | adoption | adopted adoptive | |
22 | Adult | Yetişkin | adult, adulthood | ||
23 | advertise | reklam yapmak | advertisement, advert | ||
24 | advertise | reklam yapmak | advertisement, advertiser, advertising | ||
25 | advise | öğüt vermek | advice | advisable, inadvisable, advisory | advisably |
26 | affect | etkilemek | effect | effective | effectively |
27 | Agency | Ajans | agency agent | ||
28 | Aggressive | Agresif | aggression | aggressive | aggresively |
29 | agree, disagree | Kabul etmek, reddetmek | agreement, disagreement | agreeable | agreeably |
30 | Agriculture | Tarım | agriculture | agricultural | |
31 | aid | yardım | aid | ||
32 | aim | amaç | aim | aimless | aimlessly |
33 | Aircraft | uçak | aircraft | ||
34 | Airlines | hava Yolları | airlines | ||
35 | Alarm | Alarm | alarm | ||
36 | Alike | benzer | alike | alike | |
37 | allow | izin vermek | allowance | ||
38 | Alternative | Alternatif | alternative | alternatively | |
39 | amass | biriktirmek | mass | massive | massively |
40 | amaze | şaşırtmak | amazement | amazing, amazed | amazingly |
41 | amazed | hayret | amazement | amazing | |
42 | Amount | Miktar | amount | ||
43 | amuse | eğlendirmek | amusement | amusing | |
44 | Anger | Kızgınlık | anger | angry | angrily |
45 | Anniversary | Yıl dönümü | anniversary | ||
46 | announce | duyurmak | announcement, announcer | unannounced | unannounced |
47 | annoy | kızdırmak | annoyance | annoying | |
48 | Annual | Yıllık | annual | annually | |
49 | Apart | Apart | apart | ||
50 | appear, disappear reappear | görünmek, kaybolmak, tekrar ortaya çıkmak | appearance, disappearance, reappearance | ||
51 | apply, reapply | başvurmak, yeniden başvurmak | applicant, application | applicable, applied | |
52 | appreciate | takdirle karşılamak | appreciation | appreciable, appreciative | appreciatively |
53 | approach | yaklaşmak | approach | approachable | |
54 | Appropriate/Inappropriate | Uygun/Uygunsuz | appropriate, inappropriate | appropriately, inappropriately | |
55 | approve, disapprove | onaylamak, onaylamamak | approval, disapproval | approving | approvingly |
56 | approximate | yaklaşık | approximation | approximate | approximately |
57 | Architecture | Mimari | architecture, architect | ||
58 | argue | tartışmak | argument | arguable, argumentative | arguably |
59 | Army | Ordu | army | ||
60 | arrange, rearrange | düzenlemek, yeniden düzenlemek | arrangement, rearrangement | arranged | |
61 | arrive | varmak | arrival | ||
62 | Artificial | Yapay | artificial | artifically | |
63 | ascertain | anlamak | certainty, uncertainty | certain, uncertain | certainly, uncertainly |
64 | Ashamed | Utanmış | shame | ashamed shameless | |
65 | assess | değer biçmek | assessment, assessor | ||
66 | assign | atamak | assignment | ||
67 | assume | farz etmek | assumption | ||
68 | attach, detach | iliştirmek, ayırmak | attachment | attached, unattached, detachable, detached | |
69 | attack, counter- attack | saldırı, karşı saldırı | attack, counter- attack, attacker | ||
70 | attempt | girişim | attempt | attempted | |
71 | attend | katılmak | attention | attentive | attentively |
72 | Attitude | Davranış | attitude | ||
73 | attract | cezbetmek | attraction attractiveness | attractive unattractive | attractively |
74 | Audience | Kitle | audience | ||
75 | authorize | yetki vermek | authority, authorization | authoritarian, authoritative authorized, unauthorized | authoritatively |
76 | avoid | kaçınmak | avoidance | avoidable, unavoidable | unavoidably |
77 | Awkward | Garip | awkward | ||
78 | Backwards | Geriye doğru | backwards | ||
79 | Bacteria | bakteri | bacteria | bacterial | |
80 | Baggage | bagaj | baggage | ||
81 | ban | yasak | ban | ||
82 | bandage | bandaj | bandage | ||
83 | Barber | berber | barber | ||
84 | bargain | pazarlık | bargain | ||
85 | base | temel | base, basis | basic | basically |
86 | Basket | sepet | basket, basketball | ||
87 | Battery | Pil | battery | ||
88 | bear | ayı | bearer | bearable, unbearable | |
89 | beat | vurmak | beat, beating | unbeatable, unbeaten | |
90 | beautify | güzelleştirmek | beauty | beautiful | beautifully |
91 | befriend | arkadaş olmak | friend, friendliness | friendly, unfriendly | |
92 | begin | başlamak | beginner, beginning | ||
93 | behave | davranmak | behaviour | behavioral | |
94 | believe | inanmak | belief | believable /unbelievable | believably |
95 | belong | ait olmak | belongings | ||
96 | benefit | fayda | benefit | beneficial | |
97 | bite | ısırmak | bite | ||
98 | blacken | karalamak | blackness | black | |
99 | blame | suçlamak | blame | ||
100 | Blank | Boşluk | blank | blank | |
101 | bleed | kanama | bleeding, blood | bloody, bloodless | |
102 | block | engellemek | block, blockage | blocked, unblocked | |
103 | boil | kaynamak | the boil, boiler | boiling | |
104 | Bold | Gözü pek | bold | ||
105 | bomb | bomba | bomb | ||
106 | bore | delik | bore, boredom | bored, boring | boringly |
107 | bother | rahatsız etmek | botheration | bothering | |
108 | Bottom | Alt | bottom | ||
109 | bow | yay | bow | ||
110 | Brand | Marka | brand | ||
111 | break | kırmak | break, breakage, outbreak | broken, unbreakable, unbroken | |
112 | Breast | Göğüs | breast | ||
113 | breathe | nefes almak | breath, breather, breathing | breathless, breathy | breathlessly |
114 | Brilliant | Muhteşem | brilliance | brilliant | brilliantly |
115 | broadcast | yayın | broadcast | ||
116 | Bucket | Kova | bucket | ||
117 | Budget | Bütçe | budget | ||
118 | build | inşa etmek | building, builder | ||
119 | bully | kabadayı | bully, bullying | ||
120 | burn | yakmak | burn, burner | burning, burnt | |
121 | burst | patlamak | |||
122 | bury | gömmek | burial | buried | |
123 | button | düğme | button | ||
124 | Cage | Kafes | cage | ||
125 | calculate miscalculate | yanlış hesaplamak | calculation miscalculation, calculator | incalculable, calculated, calculating | |
126 | calm | sakinlik | calm, calmness | calm | calmly |
127 | cancel | iptal etmek | cancellation | ||
128 | Capable/incapable (of) | yetenekli/yetersiz | capability | capable/incapable | |
129 | care | bakım | care, carer | careful, caring | carefully, carelessly |
130 | cash | peşin | cash | ||
131 | categorize | kategorize etmek | category | ||
132 | celebrate | kutlamak | celebration, celebrity | celebrated, celebratory | |
133 | centralize | merkezileştirmek | centre, centralization | central, centralized | centrally |
134 | Certificate | sertifika | certificate | ||
135 | challenge | meydan okumak | challenge | challenging | |
136 | Chance | Şans | chance | changeable, interchangeable, unchanged, changing | |
137 | characterize | karakterize etmek | character | characteristic | characteristically |
138 | charge | şarj | |||
139 | charity | hayır kurumu | charitable | ||
140 | chase | takip etmek | chase | chasing | |
141 | Cheek | Yanak | cheek | ||
142 | cheer | tezahürat | cheerfulness | cheerful | cheerfully |
143 | choose | seçmek | choice | chosen | |
144 | circle | daire | circle | ||
145 | circulate | dolaşmak | circulation | circular | |
146 | Civilization/civilisation | Medeniyet/medeniyet | civilisation | civilised | |
147 | clean | temiz | cleaner, cleaning, cleanliness | clean, unclean | cleanly |
148 | clear | temizlemek | clarity, clearance | clear | clearly |
149 | click | tıklamak | |||
150 | clone | klon | clone, cloning | ||
151 | close | kapalı | close, closure, closeness | close closed, closing | close, closely |
152 | clothe | giydirmek | clothes, clothing | clothed, unclothed | |
153 | Cloud | Bulut | cloud | cloudy | |
154 | Cognitive | Bilişsel | cognitive | cognitively | |
155 | Coincidence | Tesadüf | coincidence | ||
156 | Collar | yaka | collar | ||
157 | Colleague | iş arkadaşı | colleague | ||
158 | collect | toplamak | collection, collector | collected, collective | collectively |
159 | colour | renk | colour | coloured colourful, colourless | colourfully |
160 | combine | birleştirmek | combination, combine | combined | |
161 | comfort | konfor | comfort, discomfort | comfortable/ comforting/ uncomfortable | comfortably |
162 | comment | Yorum | comment | ||
163 | commit | işlemek | commitment | noncommittal, committed | |
164 | communicate | iletişim | communication, communicator | communicative, uncommunicative | |
165 | compare | karşılaştırmak | comparison | comparable, comparative | comparatively |
166 | compete | rekabet etmek | competition, competitor | competitive, uncompetitive | competitively |
167 | complete | tamamlamak | completion, incompleteness | complete, incomplete | completely, incompletely |
168 | complex | karmaşık | complexity | complex | |
169 | complicate | karmaşık | complication | complicated, uncomplicated | |
170 | computerize | bilgisayarlaştırmak | computer, computing, computerization | ||
171 | concentrate | yoğunlaşmak | concentration | concentrated | |
172 | concern | kaygı | concern | concerned, unconcerned | |
173 | conclude | sonuçlandırmak | conclusion | concluding, conclusive, inconclusive | conclusively |
174 | condition | durum | condition, precondition, conditioner, conditioning | conditional, unconditional | conditionally unconditionally |
175 | Conference | Konferans | conference | ||
176 | confide | sır vermek | confidence | confident, confidential | confidently, confidentially |
177 | Confidence | Kendinden emin | confidence, self-confidence | confident, self-confident | |
178 | confirm | onaylamak | confirmation | confirmed, unconfirmed | |
179 | conflict | anlaşmazlık | conflict | ||
180 | confuse | kafası karışmak | confusion | confusing confused | confusingly |
181 | connect | bağlamak | connection | ||
182 | connect, disconnect | bağlanmak, bağlantıyı kesmek | connection | connected, disconnected, unconnected | |
183 | consider, reconsider | düşünmek, yeniden düşünmek | consideration | considerate, inconsiderate | considerably, considerately |
184 | console | konsol | consolation | consoled | |
185 | contain | içermek | container | ||
186 | continue, discontinue | devam etmek, ara vermek | continuation, continuity | continual, continued,continuous | continually, continuously |
187 | Contract | Sözleşme | contract | ||
188 | contribute | katkı yapmak | contribution | ||
189 | contribute | katkı yapmak | contribution, contributor | contributory | |
190 | control | kontrol | control, controller | controlling, uncontrollable | uncontrollably |
191 | Convenient | Uygun | convenience, inconvenience | convenient, inconvenient | |
192 | convince | ikna etmek | convinced, convincing | convincingly | |
193 | cook | aşçı | cook, cooker, cookery, cooking | cooked, uncooked | |
194 | Cookie | Kurabiye | cookie | ||
195 | cool | Serin | cool, coolness | cool | coolly |
196 | correct | doğru | correction, correctness | correct, incorrect, corrective | correctly, incorrectly |
197 | Cotton | Pamuk | cotton | ||
198 | cough | öksürük | cough | ||
199 | count, recount | saymak, yeniden saymak | count, recount | countable, uncountable, countless | |
200 | cover, uncover | örtmek, ortaya çıkarmak | cover, coverage, covering | undercover, uncovered | undercover |
201 | craze | çılgınlık | craze | crazy | crazily |
202 | create, recreate | yaratmak, yeniden yaratmak | creation, creativity,creator | creative, uncreative | creatively |
203 | credit | kredi | credit | creditable | creditably |
204 | criticize | eleştirmek | criticism critic | critical | critically |
205 | criticize | eleştirmek | critic, criticism | critical, uncritical | critically |
206 | Crop | Mahsul | crop | ||
207 | crowd | kalabalık | crowd, overcrowding | crowded, overcrowded | |
208 | cry | ağlamak | cry, outcry | crying | |
209 | Cue | İsteka | cue | ||
210 | Cuisine | Yerel mutfak | cuisine | ||
211 | cure | tedavi | cure | curable, incurable | |
212 | Curious | Meraklı | curiosity | curious | curiously |
213 | Current | Akım | current | currently | |
214 | Curriculum | Müfredat | curriculum | curricular, extracurricular | |
215 | curse | küfür | curse | cursed | |
216 | Cushion | Minder | cushion | ||
217 | cut, undercut | kesmek, altını kesmek | cut, cutting | cutting | |
218 | damage | zarar | damage, damages | damaging, undamaged | |
219 | dare | cesaret etmek | dare | daring | daringly |
220 | darken | karartmak | dark, darkness | dark, darkened, darkening | darkly |
221 | Database | Veri tabanı | database | ||
222 | date, predate | tarih, predate | date | dated, outdated | |
223 | deaden | uyuşturmak | dead, death | dead, deadly, deathly | deadly, deathly |
224 | Deaf | Sağır | deafness | deaf | |
225 | deal | anlaşmak | deal, dealer, dealings | ||
226 | deceive | aldatmak | deceit, deception | deceitful, deceptive | deceptively |
227 | decide | karar vermek | decision, indecision | decided, undecided, decisive indecisive | decidedly, decisively, indecisively |
228 | decorate | süslemek | decoration | decorative | decoratively |
229 | deduce | sonuç çıkarmak | deduction | ||
230 | deduct | indirim | deductive | ||
231 | deepen | derinleştirmek | deep, depth | deep, deepening | deeply |
232 | defeat | yenmek | defeat, defeatism, defeatist | undefeated, defeatist | |
233 | defend | savunmak | defence | defensive | defensively |
234 | define | tanımlamak | definition | definite, indefinite | definitely, indefinitely |
235 | Degree | Derece | degree | ||
236 | delight | zevk | delight | delightful | delightfully |
237 | deliver | teslim etmek | delivery | ||
238 | demand | talep etmek | demand, demands | demanding, undemanding | |
239 | demonstrate | göstermek | demonstration | demonstrable, demonstrative | demonstrably |
240 | deny | reddetmek | denial | undeniable | undeniably |
241 | depend | bağlı olmak | dependant, dependence independence, dependency | dependable, dependent independent | dependably independently |
242 | derive | türetmek | derivation | derivative | |
243 | describe | betimlemek | description | describable, indescribable, descriptive, nondescript | descriptively |
244 | deserve | hak etmek | deserve | deserving | |
245 | desire | arzu | desire | desirable, undesirable, desired, undesired | |
246 | Destination | Varış noktası | destination | ||
247 | destroy | tahrip etmek | destruction | destructive | destructively |
248 | Detail | detay | detail | detailed | |
249 | determine | belirlemek | determination | determined, predetermined, indeterminate | determinedly |
250 | develop, redevelop | geliştirmek, yeniden geliştirmek | developer, development, redevelopment | developed, undeveloped, developing | |
251 | Device | Cihaz | device | ||
252 | Diagram | Diyagram | diagram | ||
253 | die | ölmek | death | dead | deadly |
254 | differ | farklılık | difference | different | differently |
255 | digest | sindirmek | digestion | digestive | |
256 | direct, redirect | doğrudan, yönlendirme | directness, direction, directions, director | direct, indirect | directly, indirectly |
257 | disable | devre dışı bırakmak | diabled | ||
258 | disagree | aynı fikirde olmamak | disagreement | disagreeable | disagreeably |
259 | disappoint | hayal kırıklığına uğratmak | disappointment | disappointing, disappointed | disappointingly |
260 | discipline | disiplin | disciplinarian, discipline | disciplinary, disciplined, undisciplined | |
261 | Discount | İndirim | discount | ||
262 | discover | keşfetmek | discoverer, discovery | ||
263 | disgust | iğrenme | disgust | disgusting disgusted | |
264 | Dishes | Bulaşıklar | dishes | ||
265 | Dishonest/Honest | Dürüst olmayan/Dürüst | honesty | honest, dishonest | |
266 | dislocate, relocate | yerinden oynatmak, yerini değiştirmek | local, location, relocation | local | locally |
267 | Distance | Mesafe | distance | distant | |
268 | distract | dikkatini dağıtmak | distraction | distracted/ing | distractedly |
269 | District | Semt | district | ||
270 | disturb | rahatsız etmek | disturbance | disturbed, disturbing | disturbingly |
271 | disturb | rahatsız etmek | disturbance | disturbed, undisturbed, disturbing | |
272 | divide, subdivide | bölmek, bölmek | divide, division, subdivision | divided, undivided, divisible, divisive | |
273 | divorce | boşanmak | divorce, divorcee | divorced | |
274 | do, outdo, overdo, redo undo | yapmak, aşmak, aşırıya kaçmak, tekrar geri almak | do, doing | done, overdone, undone | |
275 | Document | belge | document | ||
276 | Dollar | Dolar | dollar | ||
277 | doubt | şüphe | doubt | doubtful | doubtfully doubtless undoubtedly |
278 | Draft | Taslak | draft | ||
279 | dream | rüya | dream, dreamer | dream, dreamless, dreamy | dreamily |
280 | dress, redress, undress | elbise, düzeltme, soyunmak | dress, dresser, dressing | dressed, undressed, dressy | dressily |
281 | drink | içmek | drink, drinker, drinking drunk, drunkenness | drunk, drunken | drunkenly |
282 | drive | sürmek | drive, driver, driving | driving | |
283 | Drought | Kuraklık | drought | ||
284 | drown | bastırmak | drowning | ||
285 | dump | çöplük | dump | ||
286 | Duration | Süre | duration | ||
287 | dust | toz | dust | dusty | |
288 | earn | para kazanmak | earner, earnings | ||
289 | ease | kolaylaştırmak | ease, unease, easiness | easy, uneasy | easily, uneasily, easy |
290 | economize | tasarruf etmek | economics, economist, economy | economic, economical uneconomic(al) | economically |
291 | edit | düzenlemek | edition, editor | ||
292 | educate | Eğitim vermek | education | educated, educational | educationally |
293 | effect | etki | effect, effectiveness, ineffectiveness | effective, ineffective, ineffectual | effectively, ineffectively |
294 | Efficient/ inefficient | verimli/verimsiz | efficiency | efficient inefficient | efficiently |
295 | elect, re-elect | seçmek, yeniden seçmek | election, re-election, elector electorate | unelected, electoral | |
296 | electrify | elektriklendirmek | electrician, electricity | electric, electrical | electrically |
297 | Electronic | Elektronik | electronic | ||
298 | Elegant | Zarif | elegance | elegant | elegantly |
299 | embarrass | utandırmak | embarrassment | embarrassed, embarrassing | embarrassingly |
300 | Emergency | Acil durum | emergency | ||
301 | Emotion | Duygu | emotion | emotional | |
302 | emphasize | vurgu | emphasis | emphatic | emphatically |
303 | Empire | imparatorluk | empire, emperor | ||
304 | employ | kullanmak | employee, employer employment, unemployment | unemployed | |
305 | empower | yetkilendirmek | power | powerful | powerfully |
306 | empty | boş | emptiness | empty | |
307 | enable, disable | Etkinleştirme / Devre dışı | ability, disability, inability | able, unable,disabled | ably |
308 | encircle | kuşatmak | circle | circular | circularly |
309 | encourage, discourage | cesaretlendirmek, vazgeçirmek | encouragement, courage, discouragement | encouraged, encouraging,courageous, discouraging | encouragingly |
310 | end | son | end | unending, endless | endlessly |
311 | endanger | tehlikeye atmak | danger | endangered, dangerous | dangerously |
312 | Enemy | Düşman | enemy | ||
313 | energize | enerji vermek | energy | energetic | energetically |
314 | enjoy | Eğlence | enjoyment | enjoyable | enjoyably |
315 | enlarge | büyütmek | enlargement | large | largely |
316 | enrich | zenginleştirmek | riches, richness, enrichment, the rich | rich | richly |
317 | enter | girmek | entrance, entrant, entry | ||
318 | entertain | eğlendirmek | entertainment | entertaining | entertainingly |
319 | entertain | eğlendirmek | entertainment entertainer | entertaining | entertainingly |
320 | enthuse | coşmak | enthusiasm | enthusiastic | enthusiastically |
321 | enumerate | numaralandırmak | number | numerable | |
322 | Envelope | Mektup | envelope | ||
323 | envy | imrenmek | envy | envious | enviously |
324 | Epidemic | Epidemi | epidemic | ||
325 | Equal | Eşit | equality, inequality | equal, unequal | |
326 | equalize | eşitlemek | equality, inequality | equal, unequal | equally, unequally |
327 | Equipment | Teçhizat | equipment | ||
328 | Era | dönem | era | ||
329 | Error | Hata | error | ||
330 | escape | kaçmak | escape, escapism | escaped, inescapable | inescapably |
331 | Essay | Makale | essay | ||
332 | Essential | Gerekli | essential | ||
333 | establish | kurmak | establishment | ||
334 | estimate | tahmin etmek | estimate, estimation | overestimate, estimated, | |
underestimate | |||||
335 | evaporate | buharlaşmak | evaporation | evaporating | |
336 | Event | Etkinlik | event | ||
337 | Exact | Bire bir aynı | exact | exactly | |
338 | examine, cross- examine | incelemek, çapraz incelemek | exam, examination cross-examination, examiner | ||
339 | excel | mükemmel | excellence | excellent | excellently |
340 | Exchange- rate | Döviz kuru | exchange-rate | ||
341 | excite | heyecanlandırmak | excitement | excitable, excited, | excitedly, excitingly |
exciting unexciting | |||||
342 | excuse | mazeret | excuse | excusable, inexcusable | inexcusably |
343 | exist, coexist | var olmak, bir arada var olmak | existence | non-existent, existing, pre-existing | |
344 | expand | genişletmek | expansion | ||
345 | expect | beklemek | expectation / | expected, expectant, unexpected | expectedly, unexpectedly |
expectancy | |||||
346 | expend | harcamak | expenditure, expense, expenses | expensive, inexpensive | expensively, inexpensively |
347 | experience | deneyim | experience, inexperience | experienced,inexperienced | |
348 | experiment | deney | experiment | experimental | experimentally |
349 | Expert | Uzman | expert | ||
350 | explain | açıklamak | explanation | explanatory, explicable | inexplicably |
351 | explain | açıklamak | explaining, explanation | unexplained, explanatory, explicable, | inexplicably |
inexplicable | |||||
352 | explode | patlamak | explosion, explosive | exploding, explosive | explosively |
353 | explore | keşfetmek | exploration, explorer | exploring, exploratory | |
354 | express | ifade etmek | expression | expressive | expressively |
355 | extend | uzatmak | extension | ||
356 | Facial | Yüz | facial | ||
357 | Factory | Fabrika | factory | ||
358 | fail | hata | fail, failure | unfailing | unfailingly |
359 | Fair (just)/Unfair | Adil (sadece)/Haksız | fair | fairly | |
unfair | |||||
360 | familiarize | aşina olmak | familiarity | familiar unfamiliar | familiarly |
361 | familiarize | aşina olmak | familiarity, family | familiar, unfamiliar | familiarly |
362 | fascinate | cezbetmek | fascination | fascinating, fascinated | |
363 | fashion | moda | fashion | fashionable, | fashionably, |
unfashionable | unfashionably | ||||
364 | fasten, unfasten | bağlamak, çözmek | fastener | ||
365 | fatten | şişmanlamak | fat | fat, fattening, fatty | |
366 | fault | arıza | fault | faultless, faulty | faultlessly |
367 | favour | iyilik | favour | ||
368 | fear | korku | fear | fearful, fearless, fearsome | fearfully, fearlessly |
369 | Fee | Ücret | fee | ||
370 | feed | beslemek | food | ||
371 | feel | hissetmek | feel, feeling, feelings | unfeeling | |
372 | Fever | Ateş | fever | ||
373 | Figure | Figür | figure | ||
374 | fill, refill | doldurmak, yeniden doldurmak | fill, refill, filling | filling | |
375 | finalize | Sonuçlandırmak | final, semifinal, finalist | final | finally |
376 | find out | anlamak | |||
377 | finish | sona ermek | finish | finished, unfinished | |
378 | fire | ateş | fire | ||
379 | firm | firma | firmness, infirmity | firm, infirm | firmly |
380 | fish | balık | fish, fishing | fishy | fishily |
381 | fit | yerleştirmek | fit | fitted | fittingly |
382 | fix | düzeltmek | fix, fixation, fixture | fixed, transfixed, | fixedly |
unfixed | |||||
383 | flatten | düzleştirmek | flat | flat | flat, flatly |
384 | flavour | lezzet | flavour | ||
385 | float | batmadan yüzmek | |||
386 | flood | sel basmak | flood | ||
387 | flow | akış | flow | ||
388 | flower | çiçek | flower | flowered, flowery, flowering | |
389 | fly | uçmak | flight | flying | |
390 | focus | odak | focus | ||
391 | fold, unfold | katlamak, açmak | fold, folder | folded, folding | |
392 | follow | takip etmek | follower, following | following | |
393 | Fool | Aptal | fool | ||
394 | force | güç | force | forceful, forcible | forcefully, forcibly |
395 | Forest | Orman | forest | ||
396 | forget | unutmak | forgetfulness | forgetful, unforgettable | forgetfully |
397 | forgive | affetmek | forgiveness | forgiving, unforgiving | |
398 | form, reform, transform | biçimlendirmek, reform yapmak, dönüştürmek | form, formation, transformation, reformer, transformer | reformed | |
399 | formalize | resmileştirmek | formality | formal, informal | formally, informally |
400 | Format | Biçim | format | ||
401 | free | özgür | freedom, freebie | free | free, freely |
402 | freeze | donmak | freeze, freezer, | freezing, frozen | |
freezing | |||||
403 | frequent | sık | frequency, infrequency | frequent, infrequent | frequently, infrequently |
404 | freshen, refresh | tazelemek, tazelemek | freshness, refreshments | fresh, refreshing | freshly, refreshingly |
405 | Friendship | Dostluk | friend friendship | friendly unfriendly | |
406 | frighten | korkutmak | fright | frightened, frightening, frightful | frighteningly, frightfully |
407 | fruit | meyve | fruit, fruition | fruitful, fruitless, fruity | fruitfully, fruitlessly |
408 | Function | İşlev | function | functional | |
409 | fund, refund | fon, geri ödeme | fund, refund, funding | funded | |
410 | furnish | döşemek | furnishings, furniture | furnished, unfurnished | |
411 | Gallery | Galeri | gallery | ||
412 | garden | bahçe | garden, gardener, gardening | ||
413 | gather | toplamak | gathering | ||
414 | generalize | genellemek | generalization | general | generally |
415 | Generation | Nesil | generation | ||
416 | Giant | Devasa | giant | giant | |
417 | gladden | sevindirmek | gladness | glad | gladly |
418 | Global | küresel | global | ||
419 | glorify | yüceltmek | glory | glorious | gloriously |
420 | Goal (sports/aim) | Hedef (spor/hedef) | goal goalkeeper | ||
421 | Goods | Mal | goods | ||
422 | govern | yönetmek | government, governor | governmental, governing | governmentally |
423 | grade | seviye | grade | ||
424 | Graph | grafik | graph | graphic | |
425 | greet | selamlaşmak | greeting | ||
426 | ground | zemin | ground, underground, | groundless, underground grounding, grounds | underground |
427 | grow | büyümek | growth | growing | growingly |
428 | grow, outgrow | büyümek, büyümek | grower, growth, undergrowth | growing, grown, overgrown | |
429 | Guest | Misafir | guest | ||
430 | Habitat | Doğal ortam | habitat | ||
431 | hand | el | hand, handful | underhand, handy | |
432 | Handicap | Handikap | handicap | handicapped | |
433 | Handkerchief | Mendil | handkerchief | ||
434 | handle | halletmek | handle, handler, handling | ||
435 | Handwriting | El yazısı | handwriting | ||
436 | hang, overhang | asmak, sarkmak | hanger | hanging | |
437 | Harbour | Liman | harbour | ||
438 | harden | sertleşmek | hardship | hard | hard, hardly |
439 | Hardly | Zorlu | hard | hardly | |
440 | harm | zarar | harm, harmfulness | harmful, harmless | harmfully, harmlessly |
441 | hate | nefret | hatred | hateful | hatefully |
442 | head, behead | kafa, kafa kesmek | head, heading, overheads | overhead, heady | overhead |
443 | heal | iyileştirmek | health | healthy | healthily |
444 | hear, overhear | duymak, kulak misafiri olmak | hearing | unheard, unheard of | |
445 | heat, overheat | ısıtmak, aşırı ısıtmak | heat, heater, heating | heated, unheated | heatedly |
446 | Height, heighten | Yükseklik, yükseltmek | height, heights | high, heightened | |
447 | help | yardım | help, helper, | helpful, unhelpful, | helpfully, helplessly |
helpfulness, helping | helpless | ||||
448 | highlight | vurgulamak | highlight | ||
449 | Historic/Historical | Tarihi/Tarihi | history, historian | historical | |
450 | hold | tutmak | hold, holder, holding | ||
451 | home | Ev | home | homeless, homely | home |
452 | hope | umut | hope | hopeful, hopeless | hopefully, hopelessly |
453 | Household | Ev | household | household | |
454 | humanize | insanlaştırmak | human, humanism, humanity inhumanity | human, inhuman, superhuman humane | humanly, humanely |
455 | Hunger | Açlık | hunger | hungry | |
456 | hunt | avlamak | hunter, hunting | ||
457 | hurry | acele etmek | hurry | hurried, unhurried | hurriedly |
458 | hurt | acıtmak | hurt | unhurt, hurtful | hurtfully |
459 | Ideal | İdeal | ideal | ideally | |
460 | Immature/Mature | Olgunlaşmamış/Olgun | maturity | mature, immature | |
461 | Impatient/Patient | Sabırsız/Sabırlı | patience, impatience | patient, impatient | patiently, impatiently |
462 | Incorrect/Correct | Yanlış/Doğru | correct, incorrect | correctly | |
463 | Insect | Böcek | insect | ||
464 | Irresponsible/Responsible | sorumsuz/sorumlu | responsibility, irresponsibility | responsible, irresponsible | |
465 | Item | Öğe | item | ||
466 | ice | buz | ice, icicle, icing | icy | icily |
467 | identify | tanımlamak | identity | identified / unidentified | |
identification | |||||
468 | imagine | hayal etmek | imagination | imaginative imaginary | unimaginably, imaginatively |
469 | imitate | taklit etmek | imitation | imitative | imitatively |
470 | impress | etkilemek | impression | impressionable, impressive | impressively |
471 | improve | geliştirmek | improvement | improved | |
472 | include | katmak | inclusion | inclusive | inclusively |
473 | inconvenience | rahatsızlık | convenience, inconvenience | convenient, inconvenient | conveniently |
474 | increase decrease | artış azalış | increase decrease | increased | increasingly |
475 | incriminate | suçlamak | crime, criminal, | criminal, | criminally |
criminologist | incriminating | ||||
476 | indicate | belirtmek | indication | indicative | indicatively |
477 | industrialize | sanayileşmek | industry | industrial | |
478 | infect | bulaştırmak | infection | infectious | infected, infectiously |
479 | infer | anlam çıkarmak | inference | ||
480 | inflate, deflate | şişirmek, söndürmek | inflation | inflatable, inflated, | |
inflationary | |||||
481 | influence | etkilemek | influence | influential | |
482 | inform | bilgi vermek | information | informative | |
483 | inform, misinform | bilgilendirmek, yanlış bilgilendirmek | informant, information, informer | informative, uninformative, informed uninformed | |
484 | inhabit | yaşamak | habitat | inhabitant | |
485 | inject | enjekte etmek | injection | ||
486 | injure | yaralamak | injury | injured, uninjured | injuriously |
487 | insert | sokmak | |||
488 | insist | ısrar etmek | insistence | insistent | insistently |
489 | install | düzenlemek | installation | ||
490 | instruct | öğretmek | instruction, instructor | instructive | instructively |
491 | insult | hakaret | insult | insulting | insultingly |
492 | intend | niyet etmek | intent, intention | intended, intentional, | intentionally |
493 | intend | niyet etmek | intent, intention | intended, unintended, | intentionally, |
intentional unintentional | intentionally, | ||||
494 | interact | etkileşime girmek | interaction | interactive | |
495 | interest | faiz | interest | interested, disinterested, uninterested, interesting | interestingly |
496 | interfere | müdahale etmek | interference | interfering | |
497 | interrupt | yarıda kesmek | interruption | ||
498 | interview | röportaj | interview, interviewee | ||
499 | introduce | tanıtmak | introduction | introductory | |
500 | invent, reinvent | icat etmek, yeniden icat etmek | invention, inventiveness, inventor | inventive | inventively |
501 | invite | davet etmek | invitation, invite | inviting | invitingly |
502 | involve | içermek | involvement | involved, uninvolved | |
503 | irritate | kızdırmak | irritation | irritating | irritatingly |
504 | itemize | maddeleştirmek | item | itemized | |
505 | joke | şaka | joke, joker | joky/jokey | jokingly |
506 | Joy | Neşe | joy | joyful | |
507 | judge | yargıç | judge, judg(e)ment | judgmental | |
508 | Junior | genç | junior | ||
509 | Keen | Hevesli | keen | ||
510 | keep | kale | keep keeper keeping | kept | |
511 | kick | tekme atmak | kick | ||
512 | kill | öldürmek | kill, overkill, killer, | ||
killing | |||||
513 | knit | örgü örmek | knitting | ||
514 | knock | vur | knock | ||
515 | know | Bilmek | knowledge | knowledgeable | knowingly, knowledgeably |
unknown / known | |||||
516 | lack | eksiklik | lack | ||
517 | Lane | Lane | lane | ||
518 | Last | Son | last | ||
519 | Later | Daha sonra | late | late | |
later | |||||
520 | laugh | gülmek | laugh | laughable | laughably |
521 | Layout | Düzen | layout | ||
522 | laze | tembellik | laziness | lazy | lazily |
523 | lead | yol göstermek | leader | leading | leadingly |
524 | lead | yol göstermek | lead, leader, leadership | lead, leading | |
525 | Leaf | Yaprak | leaf | ||
526 | learn, unlearn | öğrenmek, unutmak | learner learning | learned, unlearned | |
527 | Lecture | Ders | lecture lecturer | ||
528 | Legal/ illegal | Legal illegal | legality | legal, illegal | legally |
529 | Leisure | Boş vakit | leisure | leisure | |
530 | lengthen | uzatmak | length | lengthy, lengthening | lengthily |
531 | lie | yalan | lie liar | ||
532 | light, lighten | hafiflemek, hafifletmek | light | light | lightly |
533 | like, dislike | Beğen beğenme | dislike, liking | likeable | |
534 | limit | limit | limit, limitation, | limited, unlimited | |
limitations | |||||
535 | link | bağlantı | link | ||
536 | live, outlive, relive | yaşamak, hayatta kalmak, yeniden yaşamak | liveliness, living | live, lively, living | live, livingly |
537 | locate | bulmak | location | local | locally |
538 | lock, unlock | kilitlemek, kilidini açmak | lock | ||
539 | Loose | Gevşetmek | loose | ||
540 | Lorry | Kamyon | lorry | ||
541 | lose | kaybetmek | loss, loser | lost | |
542 | love | Aşk | love, lover | lovable, unlovable, loveless, lovely loving | lovingly |
543 | lower | daha düşük | low | low, lower | low |
544 | Luxury | Lüks | luxury | luxurious | luxuriously |
545 | Mad | Kızgın | madness | mad | madly |
546 | madden | çıldırmak | madness | mad | madly |
547 | make, remake | yapmak, yeniden yapmak | make, remake, maker, making | unmade | |
548 | man | Adam | man, mankind | manly | mannishly, manfully |
549 | manage | üstesinden gelmek | management, manager | manageable, | |
unmanageable managerial | |||||
550 | mark | işaret | mark | marked | markedly |
551 | market | pazar | market, marketing, marketability marketer, marketeer | marketable | |
552 | marry, remarry | evlenmek, yeniden evlenmek | marriage | married, unmarried marriageable | |
553 | match | kibrit | match, mismatch | matching, unmatched, matchless | matchlessly |
554 | materialize | somutlaştırmak | material, materialism, materialist, materials, materialization | material, immaterial, materialistic | materially |
555 | Maximum / Minimum | En çok en az | maximum | maximum / minimum | |
556 | mean | Anlam | meaning, meaningfulness | meaningful, meaningless | meaningfully, meaninglessly |
557 | measure | ölçüm | measure, measurement | measurable, immeasurable measured | immeasurably |
558 | melt | eritmek | melting, melted | ||
559 | memorize | ezberlemek | memorial, memory | memorable | memorably |
560 | Memory | Hafıza | memory | ||
561 | mention | değinmek | |||
562 | migrate | göç | migration | migrating | |
563 | mind | akıl | mind, mindlessness | mindless, mindful | mindlessly |
564 | mind, remind | akıl, hatırlatmak | mind, minder, reminder, mindlessness | mindless, mindful, minded | mindlessly |
565 | minimize | küçültmek | minimum, | minimal, minimum, | minimally |
minimization | minimalist | ||||
566 | Miracle | Mucize | miracle | miraculous | miraculously |
567 | miss | kayıp | miss | missing | |
568 | mistake | hata | mistake | mistaken, | mistakably, |
unmistakable | unmistakenly | ||||
569 | mix | karışım | mix, mixer, mixture | mixed | |
570 | modernize | modernize etmek | modernity, modernization | modern, modernistic | |
571 | Module | Modül | module | modular | |
572 | moisten | nemlendirmek | moisture | moistures | |
573 | monotonies | monotonluklar | monotony | monotonous | monotonously |
574 | moralize | ahlak dersi vermek | morality | moral, immoral | |
575 | Mortal | ölümlü | mortality | mortal, immortal | |
576 | mother | anne | mother, motherhood | motherly | |
577 | motivate | motive etmek | motivation | motivated | |
578 | move, remove | taşımak, kaldırmak | move, movement, removal remover, mover | movable, unmoved, moving | movingly |
579 | Mud | Çamur | mud | ||
580 | murder | cinayet | murder | murderous | murderously |
581 | Muscle | Kas | muscle | ||
582 | Mystery | Gizem | mystery | mysterious | mysteriously |
583 | name, rename | isim vermek, yeniden adlandırmak | name | named, unnamed, nameless | namely |
584 | Narrow | Dar | narrowness | narrow | |
585 | Nation | Ulus | nation, nationality | national, international | |
586 | nationalize | millileştirmek | nation, national, | national, | nationwide, nationally, |
denationalize | vatandaşlıktan çıkarmak | multinational, nationalism, nationalist nationality, nationalization | international multinational, nationalistic | internationally | |
587 | Natural | Doğal | nature | natural | |
588 | naturalize | vatandaşlığa almak | nature, naturalist, naturalization naturalness the supernatural naturist, naturism | natural, supernatural unnatural, naturalistic | naturally, unnaturally |
589 | necessitate | zorunlu kılmak | necessity | necessary, unnecessary | necessarily, unnecessarily |
590 | need | ihtiyaç | need, needs | needless, needy, needed | needlessly |
591 | Nest | Yuva | nest | ||
592 | Network | Ağ | network | ||
593 | normalize | normalleştirmek | normality/US normalcy, abnormality, norm | normal, abnormal | normally, abnormally |
594 | Northern | Kuzey | north | northern | |
595 | note | Not | note | ||
596 | notice | fark etme | notice | noticeable, unnoticed | noticeably |
597 | number, outnumber enumerate | sayı, sayıca üstün | number, numeral | innumerable, numerical, numerous numbered numerate | |
598 | nurse | hemşire | nurse, nursery, nursing | ||
599 | Nutrient | Besin | nutrient, nutrition | nutrient, nutricious | |
600 | obey, disobey | itaat etmek, itaatsizlik etmek | obedience, disobedience | obedient, disobedient | obediently |
601 | Objective | Amaç | objective | ||
602 | observe | gözlemlemek | observation | observatory | |
603 | Obvious | Bariz | obvious | obviously | |
604 | Occasions | durumlar | occasion | occasional | occasionally |
605 | Ocean | Okyanus | ocean | ||
606 | offend | gücendirmek | offence/US offense, offender offensive | offensive, inoffensive | offensively |
607 | officiate | görev yapmak | office, officer, | official, unofficial | officially, |
official, officialdom | unofficially | ||||
608 | open | açık | the open, opener, opening openness | open, opening | openly |
609 | operate, cooperate | işletmek, işbirliği yapmak | operation, cooperation operator | operative, operational cooperative operable | operationally |
610 | Opportunity | Fırsat | opportunity | ||
611 | oppose | karşı çıkmak | opposition, opposite | opposed, opposing, | opposite |
opposite | |||||
612 | opt | seç | option | optional | optionally |
613 | Oral | Oral | oral | ||
614 | order | emir | order, disorder | disordered orderly, | |
disorderly, ordered | |||||
615 | Organism | organizma | organism | ||
616 | organize disorganize, reorganize | organize etmek, yeniden organize etmek | organization, disorganization, reorganization, organizer | organizational, organized | |
617 | originate | kaynaklanmak | origin, original, originality, originator | original, unoriginal | originally |
618 | Outbreak | Salgın | outbreak | ||
619 | outlaw | haydut | law, lawyer, outlaw | lawful, unlawful | lawfully, unlawfully |
620 | outline | anahat | outline | ||
621 | own | sahip olmak | owner, ownership | own | |
622 | pacify | yatıştırmak | peace | peaceful | peacefully |
623 | pack | ambalaj | package | ||
624 | Pain | Ağrı | pain | painful, painless | painfully, painlessly |
625 | Pale | Solgun | pale | ||
626 | panic | panik | panic | panic panicky | |
627 | Parental | ebeveyn | parent | parental | |
628 | part, impart | parça, vermek | part, partition | partial, impartial | partially, partly |
629 | participate | katılmak | participation, participant | ||
630 | Path | Yol | path | ||
631 | Peaceful | Barışçıl | peace | peaceful | |
632 | Pedestrian | Yaya | pedestrian | ||
633 | peer | akran | peer | ||
634 | Percent | Yüzde | percent | percent | |
635 | perfect | mükemmel | perfection | perfect | perfectly |
636 | perform | rol yapmak | performance, performer | performing | |
637 | permit | izin vermek | permission | permissible | |
638 | personalize, personify | kişiselleştirmek, kişiselleştirmek | person, personality | personal, personalized | personally |
639 | persuade | ikna etmek | persuasion, persuasiveness | persuasive | persuasively |
640 | Pesticide | böcek ilacı | pesticide | ||
641 | Plain | Ova | plain | ||
642 | Planet | Gezegen | planet | ||
643 | Plastic | Plastik | plastic | ||
644 | play, outplay | oynamak, üstün oynamak | play, playfulness | playful, playable | playfully |
645 | please | Lütfen | pleasure | pleasant, pleasurable | pleasantly, unpleasantly |
646 | podcast | dijital ses dosyası | podcast/podcasting | ||
647 | point | nokta | point, pointlessness | pointed, pointless | pointlessly, pointedly |
648 | poison | zehir | poison poisoning | poisonous | |
649 | politicize | politize etmek | politics | political, politicized | politically |
650 | pollute | kirletmek | pollution | ||
651 | Poorly | kötü | poverty | poor | |
652 | popularize | halka sevdirmek | popularity | popular | popularly |
653 | Port | Liman | port | ||
654 | portray | tasvir etmek | portrait | ||
655 | Poster | Afiş | poster | ||
656 | postpone | ertelemek | |||
657 | pour | dökün | |||
658 | Poverty | Yoksulluk | poverty | poor | |
659 | power, empower | güç, güçlendirmek | power | powerful, powerless | powerfully |
660 | praise | övmek | praise | ||
661 | pray | dua etmek | prayer | ||
662 | Precise | Kesin | precise | precisely | |
663 | predict | tahmin etmek | prediction | predictable | |
664 | prefer | tercih etmek | preference | preferable, preferred | preferably |
665 | Pregnant | Hamile | pregnancy | pregnant | |
666 | present | Sunmak | presentation | present, presentable | presently |
presenter | |||||
667 | Pressure | Basınç | pressure | ||
668 | prevent | önlemek | prevention | preventable | |
669 | Pride | Gurur | pride | proud | proudly |
670 | Priest | rahip | priest | ||
671 | Prime (number) | Asal sayı) | prime | ||
672 | Prince | Prens | prince, princess | ||
673 | Principal | Müdür | principal | ||
674 | Yazdır | print, printer | |||
675 | privatize | özelleştirmek | privacy, privatization | private | privately |
676 | Prize | Ödül | prize | ||
677 | Process | İşlem | process | ||
678 | produce | üretmek | production, product | ||
679 | profit | kâr | profit, profitability | profitable | profitably |
680 | profit | kâr | profit profitability | profitable | profitably |
681 | progress | ilerlemek | progress, progression | progressive | progressively |
682 | promise | söz | promise | ||
683 | pronounce | telaffuz | pronunciation | ||
684 | protect | korumak | protection | protective | protectively |
685 | protest | protesto | protest, protester | ||
686 | prove | kanıtlamak | proof | proven | |
687 | provide | sağlamak | provision | provisional | provisionally |
688 | Public | Halk | public | ||
689 | publicize | duyurmak | the public, publication, publicist publicity | public | publicly |
690 | publish | Yayınla | publisher, publishing | published, unpublished | |
691 | pull | çekmek | pull | ||
692 | pump | pompa | pump | ||
693 | punish | cezalandırmak | punishment | punishable, | punishingly |
punishing, punitive | |||||
694 | purify | arındırmak | purification, purist, purity impurity, purifier | pure, impure | purely |
695 | Purpose | Amaç | purpose | ||
696 | push | itmek | push, pusher, pushiness | pushed, pushy | |
697 | qualify, disqualify | kalifiye olmak, diskalifiye etmek | qualification, disqualification, qualifier | qualified, unqualified | |
698 | Quality | Kalite | quality | ||
699 | quantity | miktar | quantity | ||
700 | quarter | çeyrek | quarter, quarters | quarterly | quarterly |
701 | question | soru | question, questioning, questioner, questionnaire | questionable, unquestionable | unquestionably |
702 | Quick | Hızlı | quick | quickly | |
703 | quicken | hızlandırmak | quickness | quick | quickly |
704 | Quiet | Sessizlik | quiet | quietly | |
705 | quit | çıkış yapmak | quitter | ||
706 | race | ırk | race | racial | racially |
707 | raise | artırmak | |||
708 | rate, underrate | oran, düşük oran | rate, rating, ratings | overrated, underrated | |
709 | Rather (than) | Ziyade) | rather | ||
710 | reach | ulaşmak | |||
711 | react, overreact | tepki vermek, aşırı tepki vermek | reaction, reactor, reactant | reactionary | |
712 | read | Okumak | read, reader,readership, reading | readable, unreadable | |
713 | ready | hazır | readiness | ready | readily |
714 | realise | fark etmek | realisation | ||
715 | realize | fark etmek | realism, realist, reality, unreality, realization | real, unreal, realistic, unrealistic realisable | really, realistically |
716 | reason | sebep | reason, reasoning, reasonableness | reasonable, unreasonable, reasoned | reasonably, unreasonably |
717 | Receipt | Fiş | receipt | ||
718 | receive | almak | receipt, receipts, receiver, reception, recipient | receptive, reciprocal, received | reciprocally |
719 | Recent | Son | recent | recently | |
720 | Recipe | Yemek tarifi | recipe | ||
721 | recognize | tanımak | recognition | recognizable, unrecognizable recognized | recognizably |
722 | recommend | tavsiye etmek | recommendation | ||
723 | record | kayıt | record, recorder, recording | recorded, unrecorded | |
724 | redden | kızarmak | redness | red | |
725 | reduce | azaltmak | reduction | ||
726 | refer, referee | referans, hakem | referee, reference, referral | ||
727 | reflect | yansıtmak | reflection, reflector | reflective | reflectively |
728 | refuse | reddetmek | refusal | ||
729 | register | kayıt olmak | registration | ||
730 | regret | pişmanlık | regret | regrettable, regretful | regrettably, regretfully |
731 | regulate | düzenlemek | regular, regularity, irregularity | regular irregular | regularly irregularly |
732 | relate | ilgili olmak | relation, relationship, relative | related, relative | relatively |
733 | relax | rahatlamak | relaxation | relaxed, relaxing | |
734 | rely | güvenmek | reliability, reliance | reliable, unreliable, reliant | reliably |
735 | remain | geriye kalmak | the remainder, remains | remaining | |
736 | remark | açıklama | remark | remarkable,unremarkable | remarkably |
737 | remind | hatırlatmak | reminder | ||
738 | remove | kaldırmak | removal | ||
739 | renew | Yenile | news, renewal, newness | new, renewable, renewed | newly, anew |
740 | repair | tamirat | repair, disrepair | irreparable | irreparably |
741 | repeat | tekrarlamak | repeat, repetition | repeated, repetitive/repetitious | repeatedly, repetitively |
742 | replace | yer değiştirmek | replacement | ||
743 | report | rapor | report, reporter | reported | reportedly |
744 | represent | temsil etmek | representation, representative | representative, unrepresentative | |
745 | require | gerekmek | requirement | ||
746 | reserve | yedek | reservation | ||
747 | Resource | Kaynak | resource | resourceful | |
748 | respect | Saygı | respect, disrespect, respectability, respecter, respects | respectable, respected, respectful disrespectful, respective | respectably, respectfully, disrespectfully, respectively irrespective |
749 | respond | yanıtlamak | respondent, | responsive, unresponsive | responsively |
response, responsiveness | |||||
750 | rest | dinlenmek | rest, unrest, restlessness | restless, rested, restful | restlessly |
751 | retire | emekli olmak | retiree, retirement | retired | |
752 | revise | tekrar düzeltme yapmak | revision | ||
753 | reward | ödül | reward | rewarding, unrewarding | |
754 | ride | sürmek | ride, rider, riding | riderless | |
755 | Ridiculous | Saçma | ridiculous | ridiculously | |
756 | right | Sağ | right, rightness, rights, righteousness | right, righteous, rightful | right, rightly, rightfully |
757 | rise | yükselmek | rise | ||
758 | roll, unroll | rulo, açmak | roll, roller | rolling | |
759 | romance, romanticize | romantizm, romantikleştirmek | romance, romantic, romanticism | romantic, unromantic, romanticized | romantically |
760 | Rose | Gül | rose | rosy | |
761 | rough, roughen | kaba, kaba | rough, roughage, roughness | rough | rough, roughly |
762 | round | yuvarlak | round, rounders, roundness | round, rounded | round, roundly |
763 | Rubbish | Zırva | rubbish | ||
764 | rule, overrule | kural, geçersiz kılmak | rule, ruler, ruling | ruling | |
765 | run, outrun, overrun rerun | koşmak, depar atmak, tekrar koşmak | run, rerun, runner, running, rundown | running, runny | |
766 | sadden | üzmek | sadness | sad, saddened | sadly |
767 | Salary | Maaş | salary | ||
768 | satisfy | tatmin etmek | satisfaction, dissatisfaction | satisfactory, unsatisfactory satisfied, dissatisfied, unsatisfied satisfying | satisfactorily, , unsatisfactorily |
769 | Saucer | tabak | saucer | ||
770 | save | kaydetmek | save, saver, saving, savings | ||
771 | scare | Korkmak | scare | scared, scary | scarily |
772 | Scenery | Manzara | scene, scenery | ||
773 | school | okul | school, pre-school, schooling scholar | pre-school, scholastic | scholastically, scholarly |
774 | Scissors | Makas | scissors | ||
775 | score | Gol | score | ||
776 | scratch | çizik | scratch | ||
777 | scream | bağırmak | scream | ||
778 | Screen | Ekran | screen | ||
779 | search, research | arama, araştırma | search, research | searchable | searchingly |
780 | seat, unseat | oturtmak, oturtmak | seat, seating | seated | |
781 | secrete | salgılamak | secrecy, secret, secretiveness | secret secretive | secretly, secretively |
782 | Section | Bölüm | section | ||
783 | secure | güvenli | security | secured | securely |
784 | see | Görmek | scene, sight | scenic, seen | |
785 | seem | gözükmek | |||
786 | selfish | bencil | selfishness | selfish | selfishly |
787 | Sense | Algı | sense | sensible | |
788 | sense, sensitize desensitize | algıla, duyarlılaştır duyarsızlaştır | sense, nonsense, sensibility sensitivity, insensitivity sensitiveness, sensor | sensible, senseless, sensitive insensitive, nonsensical, sensory | sensibly insensitively senselessly |
789 | separate | ayırmak | separation, separatism separatist | separable, inseparable, separate | inseparably, separately |
790 | serve, service | hizmet etmek, servis | servant, serve, server, service disservice, services, serving, servitude, servicing | serviceable, servile, serving | |
791 | shadow, overshadow | gölge, gölgelemek | shadow, shade | shadowy | |
792 | shake | sallamak | shake, shakiness, shaker | shaky | shakily |
793 | shame | utanç | shame | ashamed, unashamed, shameful shameless | shamefully, shamelessly |
794 | shape | şekil | shape, shapeliness, shapelessness | shapeless, shapely, shaped | shapelessly |
795 | sharpen | keskinleştirmek | sharpener, sharpness | sharp | sharply, sharpish |
796 | shave | tıraş olmak | shave | ||
797 | shine, outshine | parlamak, gölgede bırakmak | shine, shininess | shiny | |
798 | ship | gemi | ship | ||
799 | shock | şok | shock, shocker | shocked, shocking, shockable | shockingly |
800 | shop | mağaza | shop, shopper, shopping | ||
801 | shorten | kısaltmak | short, shortage, shortness, shorts | short, shortish | short, shortly |
802 | Shoulder | Omuz | shoulder | ||
803 | shy | utangaç | shyness | shy | shyly |
804 | sicken | hastalanmak | sick, sickness | sick, sickly | sickeningly |
805 | sign, signal | işaret, sinyal | sign, signal, signatory, signature | signed, unsigned | |
806 | signify | belirtmek | significance, insignificance | significant, insignificant | significantly, insignificantly |
signification | |||||
807 | silence | sessizlik | silence | silent | silently |
808 | Silly | Şapşal | silly | ||
809 | simplify | basitleştirmek | simplicity, simplification | simple, simplistic | simply |
810 | Since | O zamandan beri | since | ||
811 | sing | şarkı söylemek | singer, singing | sung | |
812 | single | Bekar | single, singles | single, singular | singly |
813 | sink | atmak | sink | ||
814 | Skill | Yetenek | skill | skilled | |
skillful | |||||
815 | sleep | uyumak | sleep, sleeper, sleepiness sleeplessness | asleep, sleepless, sleepy, sleeping | sleepily |
816 | Sleeve | Elbise kolu | sleeve | ||
817 | slip | kayma | slip, slipper | slippery | |
818 | smell | koku | smell | ||
819 | smoke | Sigara içmek | smoke, smoker, non- smoker smoking | smoked, smoking, non-smoking smoky, smokeless | |
820 | smooth | düz | smoothness, smoothie | smooth | smoothly |
821 | Soap | Sabun | soap, soap opera | ||
822 | socialize | sosyalleştirmek | society, sociologist, sociology, socially, socialism, socialist, socialite | sociable, unsociable, social anti-social, unsocial, sociological | sociologically |
823 | soften | yumuşatmak | softness, softy, softener | soft | softly |
824 | solidify | sağlamlaştırmak | solid, solidarity, solidity, solids | solid | solidly |
825 | solve | çözmek | solution, solubility | soluble, insoluble, unsolved, solvable | |
826 | speak | konuşmak | speaker, speech | unspeakable, speechless, outspoken unspoken | unspeakably |
827 | specialize | uzmanlaşmak | special, specialist, specialty, specialization, | special, specialized | specially |
specialism | |||||
828 | Specific | Özel | specific | specifically | |
829 | speed | hız | speed, speeding, speediness | speedy | speedily |
830 | Spice | baharat | spice | spicy | |
831 | sport | spor | sport | sporting, sporty, unsporting | sportingly, unsportingly |
832 | spot | leke | spot | spotted, spotless, spotty | spotlessly |
833 | Stage | Sahne | stage | ||
834 | stand, withstand | dayanmak, dayanmak | stand, standing, | standing, outstanding | outstandingly |
standoff standstill | |||||
835 | standardize | standardize etmek | standard, | standard, substandard | |
standardization | |||||
836 | state, overstate | devlet, abartmak | statement, understatement | understated | |
837 | Status | Durum | status | ||
838 | steam | buhar | steam, steamer | steamy, steaming | |
839 | steepen | dikleştirmek | steepness | steep | steeply |
840 | stereotype | basmakalıp | stereotype | stereotypical | |
841 | stick | sopa | sticker, stickiness | sticky, stuck, unstuck | |
842 | stiffen | pekiştirmek | stiffness | stiff | stiff, stiffly |
843 | stop | durmak | stop, stoppage, stopper | non-stop | non-stop |
844 | straighten | düzeltmek | straight | straight | straight |
845 | strengthen | güçlendirmek | strength | strong | strongly |
846 | stress, de-stress | stres, stres atmak | stress | stressed stressful stressy | |
847 | strike | çarpmak | strike, striker | striking, strikebound | strikingly |
848 | structure | yapı | structure, structuralism | structural | structurally |
849 | study | çalışmak | student, study, studies studiousness | studious, studied | studiously |
850 | style | stil | style, stylishness | stylish, stylistic | stylishly, stylistically |
851 | Sub | Alt | |||
852 | substantiate | kanıtlamak | ssubstance | substantial, insubstantial, | substantially |
substantive | |||||
853 | succeed | başarmak | success, succession | successful, successive | successfully |
854 | suffer | acı çekmek | sufferer suffering | ||
855 | suggest | tavsiye etmek | suggestion | suggestive, suggestible | suggestively |
856 | Suicide | İntihar | suicide | suicidal | |
857 | Suitcase | Bavul | suitcase | ||
858 | summarize | özetlemek | summary / sum | ||
859 | supply | tedarik | supply, supplies, supplier | ||
860 | support | Destek | support, supportiveness | supportive, supporting | supportively |
861 | suppose | sanmak | |||
862 | suppose, presuppose | varsaymak, varsaymak | supposition | supposed | supposedly |
863 | Surface | Yüzey | surface | surface | |
864 | surprise | sürpriz | surprise | surprised, surprising | surprisingly |
865 | surround | kuşatmak | surroundings, surrounds surround | surrounding | |
866 | surtitle entitle | üst yazı hakkı | title, subtitle, subtitles, surtitle | titled | |
867 | survive | hayatta kalmak | survival survivor | surviving, survivable | |
868 | suspect | şüphelenmek | suspect, suspicion | suspect, suspected, | suspiciously |
unsuspecting unsuspected, suspicious | |||||
869 | swear | küfür | swearing | sworn | |
870 | sweeten | tatlandırmak | sweet, sweetener, sweetness sweety | sweet | sweetly |
871 | swim | yüzmek | swim, swimmer, swimming | swimmingly | |
872 | Symbol | Sembol | symbol | ||
873 | symbolize | simgelemek | symbol, symbolism, symbolist | symbolic, symbolical, symbolist | symbolically |
874 | sympathize | sempati duymak | sympathy, sympathizer, sympathies | sympathetic, unsympathetic | sympathetically, unsympathetically |
875 | System | sistem | system | ||
876 | systematize | sistematik hale getirmek | system, systematization | systematic | systematically |
877 | Tablet | Tablet | tablet | ||
878 | take, overtake, undertake | üstlenmek, üstlenmek, üstlenmek | takings, undertaking, taker | taken | |
879 | Tale | Masal | tale | ||
880 | talk | konuşmak | talk, talks, talker | talkative | talkatively |
881 | Tank (water) | Tank (su) | tank | ||
882 | Tap (water) | Musluk suyu) | tap | ||
883 | Task | Görev | task | ||
884 | taste | tatmak | taste | tasteful, tasty | tastefully |
885 | Tax | Vergi | tax, taxpayer | taxable, taxing | |
886 | teach | öğretmek | teacher, teaching, teachings | taught | |
887 | tend | eğilimli olma | tendency | ||
888 | thank | teşekkür etmek | thanks, thankfulness | thankful | thankfully |
889 | Theatre | Tiyatro | theatre | theatrical | |
890 | theorize | kuramsallaştırmak | theorist, theory, theorem | theoretical | theoretically |
891 | Therapy | Terapi | therapy | ||
892 | thicken | kalınlaştırmak | thick, thickness | thick | thickly |
893 | thin | ince | thinness, thinner | thin | thinly |
894 | think | düşünmek | thought, thoughtfulness, | thoughtful | thoughtfully |
895 | threaten | tehdit etmek | threat | threatening | threateningly |
896 | tie untie | kravat çözmek | tie, ties | ||
897 | tighten | sıkılaştırmak | tightness | tight | tight, tightly |
898 | time | zaman | time, overtime, timer, timing timelessness | timeless, timely, untimely | timelessly |
899 | tire | yorulmak | tiredness | tired, tireless, tiresome, tiring | tirelessly, tiredly, tiresomely |
900 | top | tepe | top, topping | top, topless, topmost | |
901 | Topic | Başlık | topic | ||
902 | Total | Toplam | total | totally | |
903 | touch | dokunmak | touch, touchiness | touched, untouched, touching touchy, untouchable | touchingly, touchily |
904 | toughen | sertleştirmek | toughness | tough | toughly |
905 | Towel | Havlu | towel | ||
906 | trade | ticaret | trade, trader, trading | trade | |
907 | train | tren | trainee, trainer, training retraining | trained, untrained | |
908 | translate | Çevirmek | translation, translator | ||
909 | treat, mistreat, maltreat | kötü davranmak, kötü davranmak, kötü davranmak | treat, treatment, mistreatment maltreatment | untreated | |
910 | Tribe | Kabile | tribe | tribal | |
911 | trick | kandırmak | trick, trickery, trickster | tricky | |
912 | trouble | bela | trouble, troubles | troubled, troublesome, troubling | troublingly |
913 | Truck | kamyon | truck | ||
914 | trust, distrust, mistrust entrust | güven, güvensizlik, güvensizlik emanet | trust, distrust, mistrust, trustee trusteeship, | trusting, trustworthy | trustfully |
trustworthiness | |||||
915 | turn, overturn | çevirmek, devirmek | turn, upturn, turning, turnout turnaround, turnover | upturned | |
916 | twist | büküm | twist, twister | twisted, twisty | |
917 | type, typify | tip, tipikleştirmek | type, typing, typist | typical | typically |
918 | Ugly | Çirkin | ugly | ||
919 | Undergraduate | Lisans | undergraduate | ||
920 | understand, misunderstand | anlamak, yanlış anlamak | understanding misunderstanding | understandable, understanding understood, misunderstood | |
921 | unearth | ortaya çıkarmak | earth | earthy, earthly, unearthly | |
922 | Universe | Evren | universe | universal | |
923 | unnerve | cesaretini kırmak | nerve, nervousness | nervous, nervy, | nervously, nervelessly |
924 | Unpleasant/ Pleasant | hoş olmayan/ hoş | pleasure | pleased pleasant unpleasant | |
925 | update | güncelleme | update | ||
926 | upset | üzgün | upset | upset, upsetting | |
927 | Urban | Kentsel | urbanisation | urban | |
928 | urge | dürtü | urgency, urge, urging | urgent | urgently |
929 | use, misuse, reuse | kullanmak, kötüye kullanmak, yeniden kullanmak | usage, use, disuse, misuse, usefulness, user | reusable, used, disused, unused | usefully |
useful, useless | |||||
930 | vacuum | vakum | vacuum | ||
931 | Valley | Vadi | valley | ||
932 | value, devalue, evaluate | değer vermek, değerini düşürmek, değerlendirmek | valuables, value, values, valuer | valuable, invaluable undervalued | |
valuation, evaluation | valueless | ||||
933 | Van | kamyonet | van | ||
934 | vary | çeşitli | variable, variance, variant variety, variation | variable, varied, various | invariably, variously |
935 | Vehicle | Araç | vehicle | ||
936 | view, preview, review | görüntüle, ön izle, gözden geçir | view, overview, preview, review viewer | ||
937 | violate | ihlal etmek | violence | violent | violently |
938 | visit, revisit | ziyaret etmek, tekrar ziyaret etmek | visit, visitor, visitation | ||
939 | vote | oy | vote, voter, voting | ||
940 | wake, wake up | uyan, uyan | awake | ||
941 | want | istek | want, wants | wanted, unwanted | |
942 | warm | ılık | warmth | warm | warmly |
943 | was | öyleydi | wash, washer, washing washout | washable, unwashed awash | |
944 | waste | atık | wastage, waste, waster | waste, wasteful | wastefully |
945 | watch | kol saati | watch, watchfulness | watchful | watchfully |
946 | water | su | water, waters | underwater, waterproof, watery | underwater |
947 | wave | dalga | wave | ||
948 | weaken | zayıflatmak | weakness | weak | weakly |
949 | wear | giymek | wear, underwear | wearing, worn, wearable | |
950 | weave | örgü | |||
951 | weigh | tartmak | weight | ||
952 | weigh, outweigh | tartmak, ağır basmak | weight, weights, weighting | overweight, underweight, weighted weighty, weightless | weightlessly |
953 | whiten | beyazlatmak | white, whiteness, whitening whites | white, whitish | |
954 | widen | genişletmek | width | wide | wide, widely |
955 | Widespread | Yaygın | widespread | ||
956 | win | kazanç | win, winner, winnings | winning | |
957 | wire | tel | wire, wireless, wiring | wiry | |
958 | wish | dilek | wish | ||
959 | womanize | kadınlaştırmak | woman, womanhood | womanly | |
960 | wonder | merak etmek | wonder, wonderment | wonderful, wondrous | wonderfully, wondrously |
961 | Wood | Odun | wood | wooden | |
962 | word, reword | kelime, yeniden kelime | word, words, wording | wordy, worded, wordless | |
963 | work, rework | çalışmak, yeniden işlemek | work, workaholic, worker workings, workout | workable, unworkable, overworked, working | |
964 | worry | endişelenmek | worry, worrier | worried, unworried, worrying worrisome | worryingly, worriedly |
965 | Worth | Değer | worth | ||
966 | wrap | dürüm | wrap | ||
967 | write, rewrite | yazmak, yeniden yazmak | writer, writing, | written, unwritten | |
writings | |||||
968 | wrong | yanlış | wrong, wrongdoer | wrong, wrongful | wrong, wrongly wrongfully |
Tavsiye yazı: Hafıza teknikleri: Hafızanızı geliştirmeniz için 29 Altın Yöntem [Bilim destekli]
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İngilizce 100 Dış Ticaret Kelimesi (İthalat-İhracat)
İngilizce bir heceli ve 2 heceli kelimeler
İngilizce iş kısaltmaları: 150 örnek
İngilizce formal vs informal 300 kelime karşılaştırması

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