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Tavsiye yazı: Hafıza teknikleri: Hafızanızı geliştirmeniz için 29 Altın Yöntem [Bilim destekli]
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İngilizce en sık karıştırılan kelimeler
No | Word 1 | Word 2 |
1 | Accept means to agree to or say yes to something. | Except means ‘but not’, ‘not including’. |
2 | Access is used as a noun referring to the ability to enter, as in “access to the building,” and as a verb meaning “to enter,” as in “access the stage from the rear.” | Excess functions as a noun or adjective that typically has to do with an amount that is more than usual or necessary, as in “an excess of salt” and “excess baggage.” |
3 | Adapt means to make suitable to requirements or conditions; adjust or modify fittingly. | Adept means very skilled; proficient; expert. |
4 | Addition and edition are both nouns. Addition refers to something added, as in “new additions to the museum’s collection” and “an addition to the house,” as well as to the process of adding, as in “the addition of cream to the soup” and “math problems involving addition and subtraction.” It’s also the word used in phrases with in: “cookies in addition to the pie and cake.” | Edition refers to a particular version of a book, product, newspaper, etc., as in “an illustrated edition,” or to something presented as one of a series, as in “tonight’s edition of the show.” |
5 | adverse: strongly disliking or opposed to | adverse: unfavourable or harmful |
6 | Advice means an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action, conduct, etc. | Advise means to recommend as desirable, wise, prudent, etc. |
7 | affect: Influence | effect: Result |
8 | Afflict means give pain or grief to | Inflict means impose something unpleasant on |
9 | All ready means completely prepared or in condition for immediate action or use or progress. | Already means by this or that time; previously; prior to or at some specified or implied time. |
10 | All together means used of a group whose members acted or were acted upon collectively. | Altogether means wholly; entirely; completely; quite. |
11 | allowed: Permitted | aloud: Clearly heard |
12 | Allude is a verb that means “to speak of or mention something or someone in an indirect way,” as in “they alluded to difficulties at their former school.” | Elude is a verb that most often means “to avoid or escape someone or something by being quick, skillful, or clever,” as in “a criminal who has eluded capture.” |
13 | Allusion means to hint at or refer indirectly to something. | Illusion means a deceptive impression or a false idea. |
14 | Alone means ‘the only person’ or ‘without anyone else’. | Lonely means ‘unhappy without the company of other people or someone to talk to’. |
15 | Altar is a noun meaning a sacred table in a church. | Alter is a verb meaning to change or modify something. |
16 | Assure means to tell or promise a person that a particular thing will definitely happen. In other words, you give an ‘assurance’ to someone. | Ensure means that you make certain that a particular thing happens. In other words, you fulfill the conditions of that particular event. |
17 | ate: Past tense of | eat: Eight The number |
18 | aural: Relating to ears or hearing | oral: Relates to the mouth or spoken word |
19 | bare: Naked or to uncover | bear: To carry or put up with something |
20 | Base is a noun, verb, and adjective. The noun has a variety of meanings, several of which refer to a literal or figurative foundation or bottom, as in “the lamp’s base,” “the base of a mountain,” “the company’s customer base,” and “base of operations.” It’s also used in various phrases like “touch base” and “on base.” The verb base means “to have a particular place as the main place where a person works or lives or where a business operates,” as in “a company based in Iowa.” It is also used in phrases with on and upon: “an economy based on tourism.” The adjective base means “not honest or good,” as in “base motives.” | Bass is a noun that refers to a low or deep sound or voice, or to a musical instrument. Another word bass rhymes with pass and refers to a kind of fish. |
21 | Beside means next to. | Besides means in addition to. |
22 | Bidding means command; summons; invitation. | Biding means to wait for a favourable opportunity. |
23 | born: having started a life | borne: carried |
24 | bough: Branch of a tree | bow: front of a ship or to bend the head |
25 | brake means to slow down a vehicle or stop it be using the brake. | break means to separate something into small pieces; to smash. |
26 | Bridal is an adjective that is used to describe things relating to a bride or wedding, as in “a bridal gown” and “bridal party.” | Bridle is a noun that refers to a device that fits on a horse’s head and that is used for guiding and controlling the horse. Bridle is also a verb with two meanings: one is “to put a bridle on a horse”; the other is “to react in an angry way,” as in “he bridled at their criticism of his methods.” |
27 | buy: Purchase | by: Preposition |
28 | canvas: Strong type of cloth | canvass: Seek someone’s vote |
29 | Capital means the city or town that is the official seat of government in a country, state, etc. | Capitol means the building in Washington, D.C., used by the Congress of the U.S. for its sessions. |
30 | Casual means happening by chance; fortuitous. | Causal means of, constituting, or implying a cause. |
31 | cereal: breakfast food or edible grain | serial: happening in a series |
32 | Climactic and climatic are both adjectives. Climactic is related to the word climax; it means “most exciting and important,” as in “the movie’s climactic chase scene.” | Climatic means “of or relating to climate,” as in “climatic conditions in the region that make it an ideal place to grow grapes.” |
33 | coarse: Rough | course: Way or path |
34 | Collaborate and corroborate are both verbs. Collaborate means “to work with another person or group in order to achieve or do something,” as in “collaborating on a book about dogs.” | Corroborate means “to support or help prove a statement, theory, etc. by providing information or evidence,” as in “two witnesses corroborated her story” and “a theory corroborated by recent studies.” |
35 | Complement means something that completes or makes perfect. | Compliment means an expression of praise, commendation, or admiration. |
36 | Critic means a person who judges, evaluates, or criticizes. | Critique is an article or essay criticizing a literary or other work; detailed evaluation; review. |
37 | Currant is a noun that refers to a small raisin or berry. | Current is a noun that refers to a continuous movement of water or air in the same direction, as in “ocean currents,” and also to a flow of electricity, as in “a strong/weak electrical current.” Current also functions as an adjective meaning “happening or existing now,” as in “the current month” and “the magazine’s current issue.” |
38 | Decent means adequate; fair; passable, suitable; appropriate. | Descent means a downward inclination or slope, the act of descending. |
39 | Deprecate means to express earnest disapproval of. | Depreciate means to lessen the value or price of. |
40 | Descendant is a person or animal that is descended from a specific ancestor; an offspring. | Descendent means coming or going downwards; descending. |
41 | desert is a stretch of barren sandy land where there is very little rain. | dessert is a sweet course served at the end of a meal. |
42 | Detract and distract are both verbs. Detract means “to reduce the strength, value, or importance of something,” as in “a minor error that does not detract from the overall quality of the report.” | Distract means “to cause someone to stop thinking about or paying attention to someone or something and to think about or pay attention to someone or something else instead,” as in “noises in the hallway that distracted the students.” |
43 | Device is a machine or tool used for a specific task; contrivance. Remember, device is a noun. | Devise means to contrive, plan, or elaborate; invent from existing principles or ideas. Remember, devise is a verb. |
44 | Discreet means displaying wise reserve in one’s speech or conduct; being prudent and careful. | Discrete means constituting a separate thing; distinct. |
45 | Disinterested refers to being unbiased and impartial. A disinterested person has no vested interest in the matter. | Uninterested refers to a complete lack of interest in something or being indifferent to that particular thing or person. |
46 | draft refers to the preparatory version of a document. | draught means a current of cool air. |
47 | Dual means having two parts | Duel means a fight or contest between two people |
48 | Eatable means fit or suitable for eating; edible. | Edible means fit to be eaten; eatable. |
49 | Emanate means to issue or proceed from or as from a source. | Eminent means high in station, rank, or repute; prominent; distinguished. |
50 | Emerge means to come forth into view or notice, as from concealment or obscurity. | Immerge means to plunge, as into a fluid. |
51 | Emigrant means a person who emigrates, as from his or her native country or region. | Immigrant means a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence. |
52 | emigrate: leave one country or region to settle in another | immigrate: enter another country reside there |
53 | Eminent and imminent are both adjectives. Eminent means “successful, well-known, and respected,” as in “an eminent physician.” | Imminent means “happening very soon,” as in “awaiting their imminent arrival” or “their arrival is imminent.” |
54 | Enquiry refers to a general request for information. It can also be used for a ‘search for knowledge in a particular field of study’. | Inquiry refers to a specific search or examination of facts. It is mostly used for official investigations. |
55 | ensure: Guarantee | insure: financial liability |
56 | Envelop is a verb that means “to completely enclose or surround someone or something,” as in “she enveloped the baby in the blanket” and “mist enveloping the mountains.” | Envelope is a noun that refers to an enclosing cover for a letter, card, etc. The word is also used in the phrase “push the envelope,” which means “to go beyond the usual or normal limits by doing something new, dangerous, etc.,” as in “a writer whose new novel pushes the envelope.” |
57 | Especially means to single out one person or thing above all others. | Specially means for a special purpose. |
58 | Every day means every single day. | Everyday describes ordinary normal things or occurences. |
59 | Expand means to increase in size, number, volume, importance etc. | Expend means to use or spend effort, time,money, etc. |
60 | Expansive means having a wide range or extent; comprehensive; extensive. | Expensive means high-priced; costly; dear. |
61 | Explicit means fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated; leaving nothing merely implied; unequivocal. | Implicit means implied, rather than expressly stated. |
62 | Expose (noun) means a public exposure or revelation, as of something discreditable. | Expose (verb) means to lay open to danger, attack, harm, etc. |
63 | farther: Physical distance | further: Abstract idea |
64 | Formally and formerly are both adverbs. Formally is used to describe things done in a serious and proper or official way, as in “guests were dressed formally” and “she has formally announced her candidacy.” | Formerly means “at an earlier time,” as in “a car formerly owned by my neighbor.” |
65 | forth: Forward | fourth: Comes after third |
66 | Guest refers to a person who is entertained, taken out to eat, etc, and paid for by another. | Quest means a search or pursuit made in order to find or obtain something. |
67 | Heal means to make healthy, whole, or sound; restore to health; free from ailment. | Heel is the back part of the human foot, below and behind the ankle. |
68 | hear: Perceive | here: In this place |
69 | Hoard is used as a noun to refer to a large amount of something valuable that is kept hidden, as in “a dragon’s hoard of treasure,” and as a verb to mean “to collect and hide a large amount of something valuable,” as in “a dragon hoarding treasure.” | Horde is a noun that refers to a large group of people, as in “a horde of shoppers crowded the store.” |
70 | Hostel refers to a supervised, inexpensive lodging place for travelers; especially, young travelers. | Hostile means unfriendly, antagonistic. |
71 | Human means of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or having the nature of people. | Humane means characterized by tenderness, compassion, and sympathy for people and animals, especially for the suffering or distressed. |
72 | Immanent means remaining within; indwelling; inherent. | Imminent means likely to occur at any moment; impending. |
73 | Incredible and incredulous are both adjectives. Incredible means “difficult or impossible to believe,” as in “a movie telling an incredible story of survival,” and “extremely good, great, or large,” as in “the musician’s incredible skill” and “a place of incredible beauty.” | Incredulous means “not able or willing to believe something,” as in “people were incredulous that the child had achieved the feat.” |
74 | illicit: not allowed by law or against rules | elicit: draw out a reply or reaction |
75 | immoral: not following moral standarts | amoral: unconcerned with right or wrong |
76 | Liable is an adjective that can mean “legally responsible for something,” as in “determining who is liable for the damage”; or “likely to be affected or harmed by something,” as in “a condition that makes her liable to illness”; or “likely to do something,” as in “you’re liable to fall if you’re not more careful.” | Libel is a noun and a verb. As a noun it refers to the act of publishing a false statement that causes people to have a bad opinion of someone, as in “a newspaper found guilty of libel.” As a verb it means “to write and publish a false statement that causes people to have a bad opinion of someone,” as in “the jury found that the article libeled him.” |
77 | Lightening means becoming less dark | Lightning means electrical discharge in the sky |
78 | loathe: to hate someone or something | loath: reluctant or unwilling |
79 | Loose is an adjective which indicates that something is ill-fitting or not firm in its place. | Lose is a verb which means to fail, misplace or be deprived of something. |
80 | Median and medium both function as both nouns and adjectives. As a noun, median can refer to a grassy or paved area that divides a highway (also called “a median strip”), or, in mathematics, to the middle value in a series of values arranged from smallest to largest. The adjective median is usually used in mathematics to mean “having a value that is in the middle of a series of values arranged from smallest to largest,” as in “the median price of homes in the area.” | Medium as an adjective means “in the middle of a range of possible sizes, amounts, etc.,” as in “a person of medium height” and “a medium blue.” The noun medium has several meanings, among them “something that is sold in a medium size,” as in “I wear a medium,” and “a particular form or system of communication (such as newspapers, radio, or television),” as in “an effective advertising medium.” |
81 | Moral is a noun and an adjective. The noun refers to a lesson that is learned from a story or an experience, as in “the moral of the story is to appreciate what you have,” and in its plural form morals to proper ideas and beliefs about how to behave in a way that is considered right and good by most people, as in “I don’t question her morals.” The adjective is used with a variety of meanings having to do with right or wrong behavior, as in “moral issues/standards” and “moral conduct.” | Morale is a noun referring to the feelings of enthusiasm and loyalty that a person or group has about a task or job, as in “employee morale was high in the wake of the project’s success.” |
82 | palate: Roof of the mouth | palette: Board for mixing colours |
83 | Peace is a noun that has several meanings relating to an end to war or fighting or to a state of calm, as in “a wish for world peace,” “looking for some peace and quiet,” and “peace of mind.” It is also used in phrases like “hold your peace” and “make peace with.” | Piece is a noun and a verb. As a noun piece has various meanings most of which have to do with a part, amount, or type of something, as in “a piece of pie,” “a large piece of land,” or “pieces of paper,” and “a piece of land.” It’s also used in various phrases including “to pieces” and “say your piece” more on this phrase The verb piece is typically used with together to express the idea of bringing parts together, as in “piecing together scraps for the quilt” and “we pieced the facts of the story together.” |
84 | Pedal is a noun that most often refers to a flat piece of metal, rubber, etc., that you push with your foot to make a machine move, work, or stop, as in “the bike’s pedals” and “the car’s brake pedal.” As a verb it typically means “to push the pedals of something, such as a bicycle,” as in “pedaling faster and faster.” | Peddle is a verb that is usually used to mean “to sell something usually in small amounts and often by traveling to different places,” as in “peddling fruits and vegetables from a roadside cart.” |
85 | Personal is an adjective often used to describe what belongs to or relates to a particular person, as in “personal property” and “my personal opinion,” or to a person’s private thoughts, feelings, etc., as in “a very personal question.” | Personnel is a noun most often used to refer to people who work for a particular company or organization. |
86 | Plain functions as an adjective, adverb, and noun. As an adjective, it often describes what lacks decoration, pattern, extra features, etc., as in “plain paper” or “a pair of plain shoes.” As an adverb, it means “truly, completely,” as in “it’s just plain wrong.” The noun plain refers to a large area of flat land without trees. | Plane most often functions as a noun referring to an airplane or to a flat surface. It also has verb and noun use with meanings relating to carpentry. |
87 | Pole is a noun. It can refer to a long, straight piece of wood, metal, etc., that is often placed in the ground so that it stands straight up. Additionally, pole refers to either end of the imaginary line around which something (such as the earth) turns, as in “the north/south pole”; to either one of the two ends of a magnet; to the positive point or the negative point on a battery; or to either one of two opposite positions, situations, etc., as in “opposite poles of an argument.” | Poll functions as both a noun and a verb. As a noun it refers to an activity in which several or many people are asked a question or a series of questions in order to get information about what most people think about something; this noun use has a related verb use: a magazine might “conduct a poll,” and a magazine might “poll its readers.” The noun poll in its plural form polls refers to the record of votes that were made by people in an election or to the places where those people vote. |
88 | Poor is an adjective used to mean “having little money or few possessions,” as in “a poor person,” or to describe something of low quality (“poor soil”), or someone of low skill (“a poor player”). | Pore functions as a verb meaning “to read or study something very carefully,” as in “spent hours poring over the map.” As a noun it refers to a very small opening on the surface of your skin. |
89 | Pray is a verb that is used to mean “to speak to God especially in order to give thanks or to ask for something,” as in “praying for forgiveness,” as well as “to hope or wish very much for something to happen,” as in “praying they will succeed.” | Prey is used as a noun to refer to an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food, as in “the owl’s prey,” or to someone who is a victim. It also functions as a verb meaning “to hunt,” or “to hurt, cheat, or steal from someone,” as in “thieves who prey on the city’s tourists.” |
90 | Preposition and proposition are both nouns. Preposition refers to a word (such as in, on, or to) that is used with a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, location, or time, or to introduce an object. | Proposition is a noun that most often refers to something, such as a plan or offer, that is presented to a person or group of people to consider, as in “a business proposition.” |
91 | principal: Chief person | principle: Rule |
92 | Quiet functions as an adjective, a verb, and a noun. As an adjective, it mostly describes things or people who make little noise, as in “a quiet engine” and “a quiet person,” or a situation or event in which there is little noise, as in “a quiet dinner for two.” As a verb, it means “to make or become calmer or less noisy,” as in “a lullaby to quiet the crying baby.” The noun quiet refers to the quality or state of being quiet or calm, as in “the quiet of the house at midnight.” | Quite is an adverb that most often means “very,” as in “quite tired”; “completely or entirely,” as in “we quite agree”; or “exactly or precisely,” as in “not quite what I said.” |
93 | Résumé is a noun used especially to refer to a short document describing your education, work history, etc., that you give an employer when you are applying for a job. | Resume is a verb that is usually used to mean “to begin again after stopping,” as in “the musicians resumed playing.” |
94 | Right functions as an adjective, adverb, noun, and verb. Some common adjective uses are “morally or socially correct or acceptable,” as in “the right thing to do,” and “accurate or correct,” as in “the right answer.” Adverbial uses include the directional “toward the right,” as in “turn right,” and “correctly,” as in “you guessed right.” Among meanings of the noun right are “behavior that is morally good or correct,” as in “knowing right from wrong,” and “something that a person is or should be morally or legally allowed to have, get, or do,” as in “human rights.” As a verb, right often means “to correct something wrong or unjust,” as in “trying to right a wrong.” | Rite is a noun that refers to an act that is part of a usually religious ceremony, as in “funeral rites.” |
95 | Role is a noun that to refers to the character played by an actor, or to a part or function that someone has in a group, situation, etc., as in “scientists who had a role in finding a cure to the disease.” | Roll functions as a verb and a noun. As a verb it has various meanings relating to movement, especially by turning over and over, as in “a ball rolling down a hill,” or in a smooth continuous movement, as in “clouds rolling past” and “a car rolling to a stop.” As a noun, roll often refers to a long piece of cloth, paper, film, tape, etc., that is rolled to form the shape of a tube or ring, as in “a roll of tape,” or to a round sweet cake (“a cinnamon roll”), or to a deep continuous sound, as in “a roll of thunder.” |
96 | sight: Ability to see | site: Location or place |
97 | Sometime means at some point in the future | Sometimes means occasionally. |
98 | Stationary refers to an immobile or fixed state of something. | Stationery refers to writing and other such office materials. |
99 | storey (plural: storeys) is a floor or level of a building. | story (plural: stories) is a fictional narrative that is shorter than a novel. |
100 | than: comparison | then: At that time |
101 | Think about is used when you give something a considerable amount of thought. | Think of is used when an idea comes to mind. |
102 | Thorough means complete, with nothing neglected. | Through means from one side of something to the other. |
103 | to: In the direction of | too: Also |
104 | too: also | two: the number two |
105 | tortuous: Complex of full or twists | torturous: Suffering of full or pain |
106 | Track functions as a noun and a verb. As a noun, it often refers to a mark left on the ground by a moving animal, person, or vehicle, as in “tire tracks,” or to a pair of metal bars that a train, trolley, or subway car rides along, as in “train tracks.” The verb track often means “to follow and try to find an animal by looking for its tracks and other signs that show where it has gone,” as in “hunters tracking deer,” or “to follow and find someone or something especially by looking at evidence,” as in “tracking the suspect.” | Tract is a noun that usually refers to a system of body parts or organs that has a particular purpose, as in “the digestive tract,” or to an area of land. |
107 | Waist is a noun that refers to the middle part of your body between the hips and chest or upper back, or to the part of a piece of clothing that fits around your waist. | Waste is a verb that means “to use something valuable in a way that is not necessary or effective,” as in “trying not to waste water/money/time.” As a noun, waste often refers to material that is left over or that is unwanted after something has been made, done, used, etc., as in “industrial waste.” |
108 | Wander is a verb used especially to mean “to move around or go to different places usually without having a particular purpose or direction,” as in “wandering through the meadow.” | Wonder functions as both a noun and a verb. As a noun it often means “a feeling caused by seeing something that is very surprising, beautiful, amazing, etc.,” as in “staring up at the monument in wonder.” As a verb it frequently means “to think about something with curiosity,” as in “wondering about the city’s history.” |
109 | We use made from when the material is transformed into something else. | We use made of when the material used doesn’t change. |
110 | weak: poor, low, faint, thin, lean | week: Seven days |
111 | weather: Atmospheric conditions | whether: If, in case |
112 | which: what one | witch: sorceress |
113 | who: subject | whom: object |
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2008’den beri pazarlama dalında çalışıyorum. 2014’ten beri’da yazıyorum. İnanıyorum ki markalaşma adına ülkemizde inanılmaz bir potansiyel var ve markalaşmak ülkemizi fersah fersah ileri götürecek. Kendini yetiştirmiş marka müdürlerine de bu yüzden çokça ihtiyaç var. Ben de öğrendiklerimi, araştırdıklarımı, bildiklerimi burada paylaşıyorum. Daha fazla bilgi için Hakkımda sayfasını inceleyebilirsiniz.